An Unforeseen Trip To An Auction!

It was now a couple of hours since Feng left the human capital city of the divine continent – Eden. In that time, his stomach grumbled more than a couple of times. It was only natural. After all, he hadn't eaten anything since the early morning and now was the late night. He looked down at his stomach and gently rubbed it with his left hand as he thought, "I am hungry." He raised his head and stopped as in the distance, he saw a flickering light. He smiled. "Where there is light, there are people. And where there are people, there is food," he thought and walked towards it.

When Feng got close enough to the flickering light, he saw that it was a bonfire and sitting on the ground around it, were two middle-aged men dressed in black cloaks. One was tall but thin while the other one was short but fat. Aside from the two middle-aged men dressed in black cloaks and a bonfire, he also saw two black horses connected to a tall cart which was covered in a black cloth. But he didn't see any food. He looked at the two middle-aged men and approached them. They looked at him with surprised looks and he said, "Give me food and in exchange, I will do any one thing," Feng said.

The two middle-aged men smiled and stood up from the ground.

"We got another one, brother," the short but fat middle-aged man said and laughed

"Yes we did, brother," the tall but thin middle-aged man said and laughed.

Feng tilted his head in confusion. "What?" he said and the tall but thin middle-aged man moved in a speed that far surpassed the speed of the deceased Zai Jun. And Zai Jun was a cultivator at the first rank of the body refinement realm.

The tall but thin middle-aged man appeared behind Feng. "Light's out, brat."

Feng felt being hit on the neck and as he blacked out, he heard the voice of the short but fat middle-aged man, "Put him with the others and let's go, brother."

Feng's eyelids wavered and he sensed that he was moving. He opened his eyes and the first thing that he saw was a floor made out of wood. His stomach loudly grumbled.

"Good morning," a boy's voice sounded.

Feng raised his head and looked in the direction of the boy's voice. He saw a boy that was four or five years older than him with short black hair, blue eyes and dressed in rags, sitting cross-legged and holding a loaf of bread in his right hand. Behind him, he saw bars made out of wood and behind them a colour – black.

The boy extended the loaf of bread to Feng. "Take it."

Feng sat down on the ground cross-legged. "Thank you," he said as he took the loaf of bread from the boy's hand.

The boy shook his head. "You don't have to thank me. It's your share."

Feng nodded his head. His stomach grumbled and he bit into the loaf of bread with his full strength. But once his teeth came in contact with the bread, he felt like he was biting into a rock instead. It was so hard that blood trailed from his mouth. "Owww!" he shouted out.

"Keep quiet in there!" the short but fat middle-aged man's voice sounded.

Feng looked towards the voice of the short but fat middle-aged man and frowned. "Where are they taking us?"

"They are going to sell us in an auction," the boy said.

Feng frowned even deeper and looked at the boy. "Sell us in an auction?"

The boy nodded his head. "Yeah. We are going to become slaves."

"I am not going to become anyone's slave," Feng thought. "Not that woman's or anyone else's."

"You are stupid," another boy's voice sounded and Feng looked towards it. He saw a boy that was one or two years younger than him with blonde hair, brown eyes and dressed in rags, sitting with extended legs with his back against the corner. "If you want to eat that bread. You have to first soften it with your saliva and then eat it. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid."

"Call me stupid one more time and you won't make it to the auction alive," Feng said.

The younger boy gulped down his saliva and hurriedly nodded his head.

"Why don't we introduce ourselves," the older boy said. "My name is Qiang."

Feng looked at the older boy. "My name is Feng."

The older boy nodded his head and looked at the younger boy. "What about you?" he said and Feng looked at the younger boy as well.

"Shu," the younger boy said. "My name is Shu."

Feng's stomach grumbled and both Qiang and Shu looked at him.

"Go on," Qiang said. "Eat. We will talk afterwards."

"Alright," Feng said and ate the loaf of bread just like Shu said. He first softened it with his saliva and then ate it. And just as he gulped down the last piece of bread, Shu said, "Do you guys want to run away?" But just as he said those words, the cart stopped and the black cloth covering it was removed.

Feng saw the tall but thin middle-aged man and the short but fat middle-aged man. Not only them but also a middle-aged woman and two other middle-aged men by her side. And behind them all, a building.

"Here you go, madam," the tall but thin middle-aged man said. "Not one slave. Not two slaves. But three slaves."

"Oh?" the woman said. "That's one more than you said you would bring."

"We aim to please, madam," the short but fat middle-aged man said and laughed.

The middle-aged woman smiled. "Very good. Ro, Po. Bring them in."

The two middle-aged men standing by the middle-aged woman's side walked up to the cart. The one named Po opened the cage. "Get out!" he shouted out.

Qiang looked first at Shu and then at Feng. "Let's go," he said and walked out of the wooden cart cage.

"I have to play along for now," Feng thought and walked out of the wooden cart cage as well.

Shu bit down on his lower lip and followed Feng out of the wooden cart cage.

"Follow me!" Po shouted out. But then, Shu dashed away.

"Po, Ro! Don't let that brat escape!" the middle-aged woman shouted out.

"Shu!" Qiang shouted out.

"I will handle it," Ro said and moved in a speed that surpassed the speed of the tall but thin middle-aged man who surpassed the speed of the deceased Zai Jun who was a cultivator at the first rank of the body refinement realm.

Ro appeared behind Shu and grabbed his neck.

"Let me go!" Shu shouted out as he flailed helplessly.

Ro appeared beside Po. "I will take him. You take the other two."

"Alright," Po said and looked at Feng and Qiang. "Follow me."

Ro carried Shu into the building while Feng and Qiang followed Po inside it. They were all brought to different cages and left there.

A few hours passed and a loud voice belonging to a man sounded, "Good evening ladies and gentleman, we have six slaves for you all today. But before we start, let's first go over the rules!"