
"Seems the beasts are coming in the village. We should prepare ourselves for the hunt of them", Pratap whispers. They all gets off the bed and pick up their weapons. "Amma, you hide under the cot".

The howling of the beats were now listening more louder. Raman opens the window slightly a little bit to peek outside. There was nothing outside. Only silence and howling of vampires were there. Raman closes the window. But suddenly a child starts weeping in the neighbourhood.

This attracted the beasts towards them. Ahmed peeks outside through the window and sees a large terrible creature there going into the side house. Ahmed prepares his gun and calls his friends to follow him.

When he reaches near the house, he sees the vampire was just near to grab the child. In hurry, Ahmed shots and the cartridge passes through the beast. It falls on the ground senselessly. The mother of the child picks up him hastily and soothes him.

"Is he dead"?, Mohan whispers. As no movement has been seen in it after the shot. Kamal goes near it and inspects. It was dead. They all returns back to Amma's house. They have hardly reached the door when Pratap shouts, " Stop, they are two more here".

All turns. The creatures have almost attacked them. They all runs into the house and shuts the door. "Ignite fire quiclky. They fear from it", Amma tells them. Pratap lights a flambeau. Kamal opens the door with suddenness. Pratap shows vampires flambeau. They get a little bit afraid of fire and in meanwhile Ahmed and Raman shoots them.

They have planned to catch it alive but that's was not possible in the situations occurred. All the villagers thanked them. For the first time, a hope is seen in the eyes of the villagers. But the team is not satisfied with its performance. They have not get for what they have come for.

All goes back to their houses. The friends come inside the house and lie down on the mat. " I am very happy. The beasts who killed my family are dead today. Thanks to you all for coming here my sons". They all hug Amma and sweeps her tears. They decided to go in the forest next day in search of beasts.