At least I am not that guy

Harrison reflexively tried to sniff when he came again to the room with the sound of ventilator noises but sadly he discovered his body still did not belong to him. He heard noises coming from the room.

There was an alarm kind of beeping coming near him and the whooshing sound of a door opening with frantic footsteps.

The cacophony of sounds coming from the bed near him and the frantic footsteps didn't promise anything good but reminded Harrison of a tune Baba O'Reily by The Who...

"He is in V-fib.", some nurse whose last name was not Finkle said.

"Begin CPR and someone get the D-fib.", nurse Finkle's voice was heard.

The sounds of chest compressions and counting to thirty was heard along with two wheezing sounds after every count.

"Paddles are on. Charging. Stop CPR. Clear." someone yelled a male voice this time.

There was a weird discharge sound, and they continued with the manual compressions.

"He is still in V-fib. Clear.", the yelling did not stop.

After repeating the cycle for what seemed like ages, a male voice just said in resignation.

"Call it."

"Time of death 6:43 a.m.", another male voice said.

"Don't be sad. We did all we could.", he said next as if consoling himself more than the other people who helped him perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

"Who will take him to the morgue?", the other male voice said.

'I guess they very are used to this working in the ICU.' Harrison thought.

No one responded but there was a noise of a gurney being pushed out a few moments later.

'At least I am not that guy.' he sighed in his head as he contemplated his next move.

Suddenly the tune of Paint it black by The Rolling Stones jumped in his head and as he heard the beat and lyrics in his head someone came through the door.

"Could you give me some rest? I need to tell the doctor to give you something stronger." nurse Finkle said as she pumped him full of drugs again.

The song faded out into the oblivion and he found himself again in the cave. The lights were partially on as the sun was still having trouble of reaching into the depths of the forest from the angle it was shinning from.

He got up from the bed and sniffed at his clothes. They smelled fresh still even though he went to bed in them. He still did not figure it out that he was away from the cave for less than a nanosecond he thought he at least slept for a couple of hours since he was fully refreshed from fatigue and mental stress.

As he climbed down the cave rocks, he saw movement. There were rabbit like brown creatures drinking from the stream. Rabbit like since they had all the features of a rabbit minus the ears. They were not as cute and looked more like fat rats on his second look. He gently lowered himself and took out his bow and the quiver from the inventory.

'I will call you ratbits. I hope you are delicious. ' he mused to himself.

The distance between him and the closest ratbit was around 15 meters which was quite the distance further away than his practice shots. He drew and arrow and took a long breath before releasing it. It made a twang and whoosh sound before it flew in the direction of the oblivious ratbits but fell just short of the first one.

By the time he knocked the second arrow they were long gone obviously spooked by the sound the first shot made and he could just drop his bow in defeat and put it back into his inventory.

'I guess I need to practice some more and raise my level before I can skin you.' he sighed in resignation.

He went back to the target practice range and took out his bow and arrows again. This time he was 10 meters away. The strength bonus was doing its thing, and he didn't get tired as easily since the bow string was easier to pull and the bow kept straight longer. His accuracy was still less than desirable but at least he was hitting the target and some arrows even managed to stick out from the tree.

He soon raised his Archery level to 6 but he decided to continue after putting 5 more meters between him and the target.

As his arms started to hurt as he achieved level 7. He checked his skill list and attributes.


Lumberjack : Level 3

Carpentry : Level 1

Masturbation : Level 1

Archery: Level 7

Swordmanship : Level 5

Mathemathics : Level 10

Fitness: Level 5


Strength: 7.5

Wisdom: 11.5

Inteligence: 17

Dexterity: 10.5

Perception : 11.5

Agility : 10


'I should go cut some more trees and level up the Lumberjack. I am 3/4 as strong as an average male human at age 12 which is not bad I suppose but I need to get stronger.' he thought.

Taking out a waterskin and dryed meat he sighed.

'This food is killing my tastebuds.'

The importance of diverse food is often underappreciated. Everyone would get bored eating the same kind of food for breakfast, lunch and diner. Harrison was no different, but he needed to replenish his energy so he had to eat what he had.

The meat tasted like salty sawdust and the water tasted flavorless like water should taste like. He had no specific memories of food but he had strong hints from watching the ratbit that things could only get better and hardly worse.

After he ate he went to the pond beneath the waterfall and took returned all his clothing to the inventory space. He was sweaty from exercising and archery so he decided to take a swim. Jumping right in he didn't expect the water to be so ice cold.

"Aaaaaa. Moth**f****r!!!", he yelled as he came up.

After a while he got used to the chilling water but he knew he could not stay long so he did a quick lap in the pool.

Swimming skill unlocked.

Swimming skill LVL. 1 acquired.

Bonus Water element affinity +1

Bonus Agility +1 (not applied since over 10)

He didn't stay longer than 5 minutes in the pool and he was already shivering as he came out. He quickly dried himself with some clothing taking them in and out of his inventory. After drying he put on all his clothes including his leather armour and walked back towards his cave.

He wanted to swim more to gain more stats but his affinity towards swimming in cold water was -100. As he reached the part above the waterfall, he noticed that some ratbits were back drinking from the stream. He crouched down and slowly moved forward until he was around 12 meters away from them. A strong wind blowing in his face came from their direction and the rustling of leaves masked his approach. He slowly lifted his bow and knocked one arrow. He took a big breath and held it while pulling back the arrow. He knew he only had one chance at a shot before the ratbits will run and scatter so he took his time aiming. As he took a long time to aim he almost ran out of breath when he finally released the arrow and with a whooshing sound it pinned one ratbit on the ground.

It made a squeaking sound which scared the others away. Harrison ran towards it in joy. It was hit in the shoulder of the front paw with the arrow passing trough and pinning it to the ground. As he grabbed the arrow with one hand to pull it out from the ground and tried to grab the throat of the ratbit with the other it suddenly turned its head and bit him in the space between the thumb and the index finger.

"Aaaaaa. Moth**f****r!!!", he yelled as he jumped backwards holding the ratbit by the arrow and the ratbit holding him with its incisors.

He let go of the arrow and the ratbit was dangling from his hand and would not let go. Finally, after a while he had enough of it and grabbed it by its neck with the other hand and he squeezed its windpipe. It loosened its grip after a minute or two and he got his bleeding hand out of its mouth by prying it open with a dagger.

"F***. I hope you are not a plague carrier. Damn it. " he yelled as he stuck his hand into the flowing water washing off the blood and cleaning the wound. After that he took out the strongest alcohol he had in his inventory and generously poured it over.

"Aaaaaa. Moth**f****r!!!", he yelled again.

Masochism skill unlocked.

Masochism skill LVL. 1 acquired.

Bonus Pain tolerance +1

"Aaaaaa. Moth**f****r!!! F*** you system. I don't get any sexual pleasure from pain you moronic piece of shit system.", he yelled again.

He wrapped his hand into a clean cloth then he looked at the dead ratbit and said,

"Moth**f****r!!! You better be delicious!!!" he yelled before taking off his clothes drinking a potion and running into the woods.