So cool!!!!!

Ying Xuan immediately deducted double the points she had mentally given the boy for his good looks. She deducted them for his personality and lack of manners. So now, in Xuan's mind, the boy held a negative score.

Ying Xuan received a message on her phone. She looked and found that Shi Weiwei had messaged her.

Shi Weiwei: 'That boy is so handsome!!!! I wonder if he's some actor?'

Ying Xuan typed back, 'I doubt there's any actor in the whole world whom you do not know.'

Shi Weiwei: 'That's about right. But then, who is he?'

Ying Xuan: 'Don't know. Don't care.'

Shi Weiwei: 'Oooo. Is Miss Ying trying to play hard to get?'

Ying Xuan: 'Like hell I would ever want this one.'

Shi Weiwei began typing once again when Xuan messaged her, 'Don't. We'll talk after the ceremony.'

Shi Weiwei nodded and put down her phone.

The chief guest did not give a very long speech. He was soon done, after which the director of their college came on stage to announce the end of ceremony and start of the party for the freshers to mingle.

Just as he was about to speak, the doors of the hall opened. Everyone turned around to look at the door, but Ying Xuan sat still in her seat, expecting what was about to happen next.

As she had expected, Ying Xi came in, her high heels clucking on the floor, with her group of girls. Even though she knew her sister, Ying Xuan was still surprised at the amount of make-up the girls were wearing.

The group of girls stopped right in front of the stage, Ying Xi in the front.

Ying Xuan sighed and thought, "I hope she does not create a scene."

Ying Xi, under the watchful eyes of the whole hall, gave the director a smile and asked, "I hope I'm not late, sir."

The director replied, "Actually, I'm afraid you and your friends are rather late."

Ying Xuan was surprised at the director's answer. Though the education was rather good, this was a college for typical spoilt, rich kids. You would not find many students like Shi Weiwei, who were from an average background and got in through their talents with a scholarship.

So, Ying Xuan supposed that the director would not say anything to Ying Xi, like most other teachers, in the fear of offending their parents. Ying Xuan had to admit she was impressed by the director and a faint smile formed on her lips.

Ying Xi seemed to be a little taken aback as well. She was left rather embarrassed, standing in front of all those people.

The director waved his hand and said, "Now. I would advice you not to be late for your classes as well. And if you all will please follow me into the adjoining grounds, where your seniors have organised a party for you all."

Saying this, he walked out the side door, and everyone followed him.

Shi Weiwei said to Ying Xuan, "The director seemed really cool!!!!"

Ying Xuan smiled and nodded her head in agreement.

As they entered the open grounds, Shi Weiwei was amazed by the level of decorations and everything else there. Ying Xuan, on the other hand, seemed to have expected it and did not give much of a reaction.