I'm Lu Zuan

It was the same girl Xuan had met at the restaurant and the one who had yelled at Weiwei for talking too much.

The girl stood in front of Ying Xuan and said, "So it's true. Why don't you tell them? They're just misunderstanding you."

Ying Xuan knew that this girl had found out that she could not speak. So, there was no point in denying it any further.

As Xuan took out her phone and began typing, the girl stopped her saying, "Don't bother. I can read lips, and am working on learning the sign language."

Ying Xuan was surprised as she mouthed, "I don't want anyone to know that I can't speak."

The girl nodded as she said, "Well, I don't think it's a good decision, but anyway, it's your choice. By the way, I'm Lu Zuan."

She extended her hand which was shaken by Ying Xuan as she mouthed, "Ying Xuan. And this is Shi Weiwei."

Lu Zuan smiled at Shi Weiwei before she said to Xuan, "Actually, I wanted to apologise to you for talking so rudely back at the restaurant. I did not know."

Ying Xuan mouthed, "See. This is the reason I don't like to tell anyone. They begin to pity me."

Lu Zuan: "Don't be so full of yourself. I'm not pitying you. I'm just...sorry."

Ying Xuan chuckled as Lu Zuan turned to Shi Weiwei. She said, "And I'm sorry to you too. For yelling like that. Sometimes, my temper gets the better of me."

Shi Weiwei shook her head, "It's okay. I'm just that much of a chatterbox. I've been scolded so many times for speaking too much that I've lost count."

Lu Zuan laughed as Ying Xuan asked her, "So, you study here?"

Lu Zuan: "Don't get any ideas. I just came over to apologise for my behavior. I have no intention of making friends."

Ying Xuan: "That's fine. But, at least, have a drink before you go."

Lu Zuan sighed, "Fine."

As the two headed over to the table to mix their drinks, Lu Zuan said, "I'm actually quite an anti-social person. I don't know why I approached you guys. And notice, how I used anti-social, not 'reserved'."

Ying Xuan laughed, "Me too. I don't like to be around people. I guess, it's just something about Weiwei. I feel.....relaxed around her and....."

But Ying Xuan never got to finish. She was focused on her drink, and Lu Zuan was reading her lips, so neither of the two had noticed a boy had bumped into Ying Xuan.

Ying Xuan fell forward on the table, but broke her fall with her hands as she mouthed, "What the hell!!!!"

The drink in her hand had fallen and stained her white shirt.

Ying Xuan turned around, fuming with anger.

She was surprised to see the tall handsome boy whom she had bumped into at the airport.

The boy had apparently been walking backwards to catch a ball that he had begun playing with some of his friends.

Ying Xuan crossed her hands in front of her chest, as the boy turned around and looked at her.

He said, "Watch where you are standing."

That was it. Ying Xuan turned towards Lu Zuan and mouthed, "Help me out a little. Okay?"

Lu Zuan nodded, confused.

But the next moment, Ying Xuan had pulled the boy by the shoulder so that he was completely facing her.

Xuan mouthed, Lu Zuan immediately understood and began to speak, "What the hell!!!"