Our schedules don't match

Xi then put down her make-up brush and picked up a hair curler.

Ying Xuan rolled her eyes as she went to Weiwei's room and knocked.

Mo Feng'er's voice came from inside, "It's open."

Ying Xuan entered to see Feng'er getting ready in front of the mirror and Shi Weiwei on her bed, swooning. Seeing Xuan, Mo Feng'er asked, "Is Xi ready?"

Ying Xuan shook her head as she walked over to Shi Weiwei and shook her awake. After Weiwei was awake and went into the bathroom, Ying Xuan walked over to Mo Feng'er with her phone in her hand. She showed the phone to Feng'er, on which the following words were typed, 'Can I use your mirror? Xi's hogging ours."

Mo Feng'er read the message and stood up. She said, "Yeah sure. Go on. I'm done anyways. I'll go and check up on Xi."

After Mo Feng'er left the room, Ying Xuan sat in front of the mirror and partitioned her hair from one side. She then made a fishtail on one side and got up. By then, Shi Weiwei was out of the bathroom.

Weiwei: "My sleep schedule is all messed up."

Ying Xuan chuckled as she put a cute hairband with a bow in her hair. Xuan had chosen a barbie style yellow dress out of Weiwei's wardrobe, and with a cute hairband in her bob hair, she completely looked like a doll.

As the two headed out for breakfast, Shi Weiwei pulled on the collar of the dress and complained, "I don't think I've worn so much dresses in my whole life as you've made me wear these past few days."

Ying Xuan laughed, pinched Weiwei's cheeks and signed, "I can't help it. You look so cute."

Shi Weiwei rolled her eyes, "I feel compelled to inform you that I'm not your life-size doll."

Ying Xuan laughed and the two headed towards the cafeteria.

As they sat down with their breakfast on a small table, Shi Weiwei looked around, "Huh. Lu Zuan isn't here. Does she not live in the dorms?"

Ying Xuan nodded her head.

Shi Weiwei: "So, what's your first class?"

Ying Xuan took out her phone and looked at her schedule. She sighed as she passed her mobile to Weiwei.

Shi Weiwei took the phone and said, "Chinese literature huh. Seems like our schedules don't really coincide."

Ying Xuan signed, "What's your first class?"

Shi Weiwei: "Drama. I've got Chinese before lunch."

The two compared their schedules and found out that they only had one class together that day, English. Shi Weiwei pouted, "Damn. I know our majors are different. But we don't even have the common classes like Grammar and Chinese together."

Ying Xuan finished up the sandwich she was eating and stood up, her iced-coffee in hand.

"Let's go." She signed.

Shi Weiwei hurriedly gobbled up the huge breakfast she had taken and stood up, wiping her mouth, "Let's go."

Then the two headed towards their classes.

The first class was intensely boring. Ying Xuan was almost snoozing on the last bench when the door of the classroom opened with a bang. Ying Xuan's eyes opened as she looked up to see who was the spoilt kid coming so late.