I was that good?

Xuan then shook hands with Wei Jingyu and the two walked over to the side of the court.

There, the head P. Ed. teacher said, "Very good Miss Ying. Now could you wait till the other girls have also tried out before we announce the results? Sit down here with the other candidates."

Ying Xuan signed, 'I would like to go up to the stands.' And Wei Jingyu interpreted it.

The teacher smiled, "Of course. Off you go."

As Ying Xuan headed up the stands, she saw Wei Jingyu standing among the other candidates with a confused expression. Xuan chuckled, "He looks good when he's not got that arrogant expression." She thought to herself as she analysed the probable reason for Jingyu's confusion.

By the time Xuan reached Weiwei and Shaoyan, she had decided that though the teachers knew about her background and most of the students too, Wei Jingyu only thought of them as rumours and was confused as to why the teacher was giving her preferential treatment.

As she sat down, Su Shaoyan and Shi Weiwei looked at her with their mouths open and eyes wide. Xuan signed, 'What?'

Su Shaoyan: "I never knew you could play volleyball that good."

Ying Xuan: 'It really was nothing. All I was doing, was trying to keep up with Wei Jingyu.'

Shi Weiwei: "Oh come on!! No one can be that modest."

Su Shaoyan rolled his eyes, "Apparently our Xuan can be."

Ying Xuan was confused, 'What do you guys mean?'

Su Shaoyan put a hand on Xuan's shoulder and said, "Ying Xuan, you were impressed by Wei Jingyu's skills when you watch him playing right?"

Ying Xuan nodded.

Shi Weiwei: "Now, you saw that the one taking the trials was barely able to keep up with Wei Jingyu, right?"

Xuan nodded again, wondering where this was going.

Su Shaoyan said, as if he was explaining something to a five-year-old, "Now, imagine the person taking the trials, improve his skills a bit, so that he is able to keep up but still having a little hard time."

Shi Weiwei: "And replace the person with yourself. That's how good you were playing."

Ying Xuan's face stayed in a state of confusion for a minute before it changed to one of realisation and then to one of surprise and shock.

She pointed at herself with the same shocked expression and now it was Shaoyan's turn to be confused, "What?"

Shi Weiwei said quietly, "Yes, you. You were that amazing."

Ying Xuan slumped in her seat with the same shocked expression, now a little dazed.

Soon the trials finished, and as everyone had expected, Ying Xuan was selected for the team.

Just before lunch, the trials for the athletics team took place, which Su Shaoyan aced.

All along, Shi Weiwei cheering him, "Go Shaoyan. Imagine Xuan running behind you. With an axe as a bonus."

She received a tap on the head from a laughing Ying Xuan.

Su Shaoyan was selected in the team easily Although the other students who were selected did not seem too happy about it, but they could say nothing after seeing Shaoyan's skills.