Jingyu was still scary

Ying Xi was looking at Ying Xuan and Wei Jingyu outside the classroom as they chatted.

Anyone passing would have seen that Xi was very angry as she kept grinding her teeth and clutching the wall a little too hard.

Mo Feng'er seemed worried as she whispered, "Xi, I really don't think what you are going to do is good. It isn't right to..."

But she did not finish her sentence as Ying Xi whipped around with such an angry expression that it shut Feng'er up.

Ying Xi said, "Shut up. And go see if Yishei is doing what she's supposed to."

Mo Feng'er did not say anything. She gave one last look of disapproval and went away.

Soon after, Ying Xi was joined by Ting Mumu who grinned and gave Xi a thumbs-up when their eyes met.

Ying Xi asked, "Everything ready?"

Ting Mumu: "Yeah. How do you like the dress?"

Ying Xi looked down at her dress and then at Xuan, "She might be dumb but she always had a great choice in clothes."

Ting Mumu became excited, "I know right. I had daddy get this dress especially made. I just fell in love with it when I saw Ying Xuan wear it once."

Before she could blabber on any longer, Xi told her to shut up and turned back to the hallway, which by now had become quite rowdy as Jingyu's friends and Lu Zuan and Su Shaoyan had joined them.

Ting Mumu continued to talk about the clothes of everyone, especially Lu Zuan, and how she would ask her daddy to get her a qipao like that.

Ying Xi was about to yell at her when Zuan began to drag her friends towards them, Ying Xi and Ting Mumu hurried away.

Xuan and company met Shi Weiwei outside the cafeteria. They headed for lunch together, Lu Zuan still a little comfortable in the qipao. During lunch, both Ying Xuan and Shi Weiwei continued to offer to help Lu Zuan with the qipao, even Su Shaoyan offered to go to the gym building to see if Zuan had left any pins behind.

Lu Zuan kept saying that she was fine, but by the end of lunch the qipao had become a little lose. As the four came out, three of them eyed Lu Zuan with worry.

Ying Xuan: 'Zuan, I really think we should go and check the gym building.'

Shi Weiwei: "You really need to redo that qipao. Come on, we'll help."

Su Shaoyan: "I can't really go in the girls' washroom or the changing room, but I'll do all I can."

Lu Zuan smiled and waved her hand, "I agree with you all. I'm gonna have to redo this. And probably gonna have to go back to the gym building."

As they opened their mouths, Lu Zuan silenced them, "But I'll go. There's no need for you all to be late for your classes too."

The three protested, but Lu Zuan was firm. Finally, with long sighs on the part of Xuan, Weiwei and Shaoyan, they left for their classes and Zuan headed for the gym building.

As she headed towards the gym building, Lu Zuan saw Wei Jingyu also heading in that direction. She was about to call out to him, but something seemed weird about Jingyu, so Zuan decided not to. Wei Jingyu had learnt to control his temper, but he was still scary when he was angry.