She kissed Shen Jie!!!!

Lu Zuan wiped her tears and said in a cracked voice, "Sorry. It's just that..... I didn't think that Xuan could ever do this."

Wei Jingyu: "Well that makes the two of us."

Lu Zuan did not know how to reply to this.

She just stood a few paces from Jingyu as he got up and dusted his knees.

As he walked pass Zuan, he said, "Hey Lu Zuan? Do me a favour will you?"

Lu Zuan looked at him.

Wei Jingyu had already passed and was rounding the corner of the wall as he tossed the words behind his shoulder, "Tell Xuan never to show her face in front of me, ever again."

Lu Zuan gulped as Wei Jingyu vanished. Right now he was back to the old unapproachable ice lord. And he was angry. Lu Zuan shuddered to think what might befall anyone who crossed his path when he was so angry.

By the time Lu Zuan snapped out of her daze, Wei Jingyu was long gone and she could hear the bell indicating the end of class. Zuan hurried away. As she approached the fashion designing classroom, Lu Zuan stopped dead.

She saw Ying Xuan walking towards her with Su Shaoyan, chatting happily, as though nothing had happened.

Lu Zuan lost her temper at the sight of Xuan's happy face and blinding smile. Before she even knew what she was doing, Zuan had walked up to the two and slapped Ying Xuan full on the cheek.

Ying Xuan's beautiful skin immediately turned red as the marks of Zuan's hand appeared on her cheek. She looked shocked at having being slapped out of nowhere.

Lu Zuan grabbed Ying Xuan's front of the dress before the latter could react to the slap and shrieked, "WHAT THE HELL XUAN?!?!? HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?!?!? HOW COULD YOU!?!?!?"

Ying Xuan signed, 'What's wrong Zuan? What happened?'

Lu Zuan was so angry at Xuan's innocent expression that she raised her hand again to slap her, but her hand was caught in mid-air by Su Shaoyan, who said, "Lu Zuan. I don't like taking sides among my friends. But if you're gonna come out of nowhere and start slapping, I'm afraid I will have to stop you."

Lu Zuan yelled as she pulled back her hand, "Oh shut up with the talk about friends. Do you know what this bi*ch did?"

Lu Zuan was pointing at Ying Xuan. Both Shaoyan and Xuan were dumbstruck by her statement. Lu Zuan rarely ever used foul language, what had happened that had forced her to do now?

Su Shaoyan looked around to see that a lot of people had gathered about due to Zuan's shouting. Before the matter could progress any further, he grabbed one girl in each of his hand and pulled them into an empty classroom and shut the door.

He then turned towards the fuming Lu Zuan and said, "Now tell us. What has got you rattled so much?"

Lu Zuan pointed towards Ying Xuan, too angry to speak properly and too ashamed to tell again.

Su Shaoyan tilted his head in confusion, "Xuan? But you were fine at lunch? How come you're angry with Xuan suddenly?"