I'm not letting you go until you listen

Xuan's face immediately went a light shade of pink as she remembered last night's events. She was glad of her ash coloured skin, which did not show the blush prominently.

She looked away from Jingyu's face and signed, 'Good morning.'

Wei Jingyu shrieked, "Xu-Xuan!!!! What the hell?!?! Where am I?!?!"

Ying Xuan: 'You're in my room.'

Wei Jingyu spoke, holding his head in his hands, "What happened last night?"

Ying Xuan, who had picked up a hairbrush, turned to look at him in surprise, 'You don't remember anything?'

Wei Jingyu clutched his head in both his hands and groaned. "I remember the night club. You were there. And I remember walking out."

The sound of Ying Xuan grinding her teeth made him look up. She signed, 'That was not me. I was here. Right here. Where you came last night and found me.'

Wei Jingyu groaned again, "I don't know. Maybe it wasn't you. Maybe I just imagined it. Arrggghhhh!!!! I don't even know anymore."

But the sound of his own exclamation hurt his head and Jingyu felt silent, head still in hands.

Xuan sighed and walked over to him. She tapped on his shoulder and then gave him the hangover medicine she had bought in the morning with a bottle of water.

Jingyu gulped it down and waited for it to take effect. He sat in silence for a minute before abruptly getting up. He said, avoiding Xuan's eyes, "Whatever I said, or did when I was drunk, I'm really sorry."

Saying this he made for the door. But Jingyu was still a bit stagerry from the previous night and Xuan reached the door before him. She planted herself between the door and him and signed, 'No. I am not letting you go until you listen to me.'

Wei Jingyu had apparently remembered the previous day. His anger started building, "I'll start listening to your lies the day you actually start talking."

Ying Xuan was a bit hurt by his words. But she still refused to let him go, 'Whatever you say, I'm not letting you out of here until you have listened to all I have to say.'

Wei Jingyu trembled in anger, but Xuan was calm. She signed, 'You can punch me, push me, hit me. Do whatever you want, but I will tell you what you need to know.'

Wei Jingyu crossed his arms and balled them into fists. He did not trust himself enough to not hurt Xuan. It was now that Jingyu's eyes fell on Xuan's face since he had woken up.

Jingyu was thunderstruck to see her face all bruised. Her forehead was bandaged, and she looked like a beautiful patient right out a movie. Jingyu shook his head and focused again. There were marks on Xuan's cheek and throat, now very clearly visible when they had turned blue-black. He said through gritted teeth, "Who did this to you?" Jingyu's voice betrayed his anger, as he was not trying to conceal it because it was not directed towards Xuan.

Ying Xuan was a little taken aback, he was worried about her? She shook her head, probably thinking too much into it. But this was the perfect chance to make him listen to her. Xuan signed, 'I'll tell you if you first listen to what I have to say.'