Drop me off

As Wei Jingyu reluctantly pulled back, he inhaled deeply in the crook of Xuan's neck.

He averted his eyes from the stunned Xuan who looked like she would drop unconscious any second.

Jingyu said, still not meeting Xuan's eyes, "I'm sorry. I don't know what came....XUAN!!!???"

He yelled as Ying Xuan actually did black out. When she came to in a second, Xuan blushed and her heartbeat increased to find Jingyu's strong arms wrapped around her waist, supporting her, and his head hovering above her, eyes filled with worry.

Ying Xuan hurriedly stood up as blood rushed to her cheeks and ears.

Jingyu still looked very worried, thinking she might drop down any second, "Are you okay? Do you have a concussion?"

Ying Xuan shook her head from side to side, trying to calm herself. When Ying Xuan had the courage to look into Wei Jingyu's eyes, she hurriedly looked away after a second, overwhelmed by the pure worry his eyes seemed to contain.

Wei Jingyu said again, "I'm so sorry Xuan. I don't know what came over me. Are you okay?" At the last sentence, he wrapped his arms more securely around Xuan's waist, afraid she might faint again.

Blood rushed to Xuan's cheeks again and her heart, which had slowed down somewhat, began beating so furiously that she was sure even Jingyu could hear it.

Xuan signed as she untangled herself from Jingyu's embrace and walked towards the door, 'I feel fine. But I think I should probably make a visit to the infirmary.'

Seeing that Jingyu did not move, Xuan turned around, 'Do you want to be caught here in case our caretaker comes for a round?'

Wei Jingyu seemed embarrassed and walked towards the door, Ying Xuan following him.

At this moment, Xuan's phone rang. She was very surprised, because nobody called her as she would of course be not able to talk. People messaged her.

Ying Xuan looked at her phone and picked it up with raised eyebrows, why was Shaoyan calling her?

Su Shaoyan's voice rung out from the other end, very worried, "Are you okay Xuan?"

Ying Xuan rolled her eyes, as if she could answer that. What was Shaoyan thinking.

While she was being mentally sarcastic, Su Shaoyan's voice came again, "Is Wei Jingyu still with you? If he is, give him the phone."

Ying Xuan looked at Wei Jingyu walking beside her, staring at her with curiousity.

Ying Xuan handed him the phone. He raised an eyebrow, Xuan shrugged, and then he raised the phone to his ear, "Hello?" Wei Jingyu's deep voice sounded in the corridors of the girls' dorms.

It was followed by a long conversation in which Wei Jingyu only muttered consent or frowned sometimes, all the talking was done by Su Shaoyan.

By the time he disconnected the call, the two had already come out of the dorms and were headed for the infirmary. "Hey, do you mind making a detour?" Jingyu asked as he handed the phone to Ying Xuan.

Ying Xuan: 'Sure. Where to?'

Wei Jingyu: "Drop me off at the boys' dorms."

Ying Xuan: 'Drop you off? What did you talk about with Shaoyan?'

Wei Jingyu placed a finger on his lips, "Boy's talk."

Ying Xuan rolled her eyes and the two headed for the boys'dorms.