Detention for a month????

The director Mr. Si was walking towards them with a stern expression. Ying Xuan knew that he was the worst possible person to find them. Any other teacher might have let them off the hook, but not the director.

Yung sighed as the director looked at all of their faces one by one and then motioned for them to follow him.

The only consolation that Xuan had was that Zuan was not here, and that Weiwei was not really visible among the tall friends of Wei Jingyu, so she had escaped the eyes of the director.

As all of them followed the director, Ying Xuan saw from the corner of her eyes that Shi Weiwei was following them. She hurriedly motioned to her to go back and wait for them and Weiwei stopped. She was smart enough to know that the fight they had had would get all of them into real trouble, and Weiwei did not have influencial parents, so she would be the worst off.

Once they reached the director's office, he sat down in his chair and the eight of them stood facing him, Xuan, Shaoyan, Jingyu, Kio and his other friends.

The director said in a grave tone, "Who started it?"

Mo Kio and Su Shaoyan immediately pointed at each other. Ying Xuan sighed and the director looked more stern, "Shrinking from blame? Very well. Tell me what happened?"

The last sentence was directed towards Ying Xuan, as she could be considered the most exemplary student among the group.

Xuan signed and Shaoyan spoke. She explained everything, twisting the story a little bit so as to hide the cause of misunderstanding that had prompted Mo Kio to try to hurt her or Su Shaoyan to punch Wei Jingyu.

The director said in a grave tone, "All of you will serve detentions for one month as punishment. And Mr. Mo and Mr. Su, so as to make sure that you will control your tempers better, you will be banned from the teams for one month."

Su Shaoyan's and Mo Kio's mouth hung open as they stared at each other after hearing this.

Mo Kio immediately roared, "Why should I be banned!?! He started the fight! And she was the reason behind it!!!" He pointed at Shaoyan and Xuan.

"Enough!" The director roared, "If you do not wish the ban to become for two months, or rather, permanent, there will be no further discussion on the topic."

Mo Kio seemed ready to launch into another yell, but Wei Jingyu restrained him and whispered in his ear, "It was not her yesterday."

Kio was surprised, "What do you mean it was not her?"

"I'll explain later." Wei Jingyu said, looking at the director, who had his eyebrows raised and was eyeing them.

He said when Mo Kio had stopped talking, "Now. I want you all to go to the infirmary and get your wounds dressed before going to your classes." "And remember, if I get a word that any one of you was not in any of their class, your punishment will increase." He cast them all a warning look and dismissed them.

As the eight walked out of the director's office, Ying Xuan restraining Shaoyan, and Wei Jingyu holding back Kio, he signed, 'I'll call you.'