I look like a mummy in these bandages

The doctor next bandaged Ying Xuan, all the while muttering something about irresponsible kids.

After he was done, he stood up, "You both may leave now. He....stays here." he said, pointing towards Su Shaoyan.

Ying Xuan signed and Weiwei spoke, "Umm ..excuse her?"

The doctor turned around and looked confused. Weiwei hurriedly explained, "She wants to say something."

The doctor looked at Ying Xuan with an enquiring glance, and she signed, "Could you do something about these bandages? I look like a mummy."

The doctor glared at Xuan, "No I can not!! And it's better if you look like a mummy, at least other people will think before they fight you. Because you clearly seem not to."

Xuan pouted and sulked as Shaoyan chuckled. Seeing that the two girls had not moved, the doctor fixed them with another glare, "Will you leave now or do you want me to admit you here too?"

Ying Xuan and Shi Weiwei hurriedly got up as the doctor muttered, "Honestly! These rich kids are too hard to deal with. What the hell!!!!!" He exclaimed as Jingyu entered the infirmary at that instant with his friends.

Xuan and Weiwei stiffled a laugh at this reaction and thanked the heavens that they were the first ones here. As the boys entered, they all looked apologetically towards Xuan, meaning that Jingyu had explained everything to them.

Seeing that the doctor was about to start yelling again, Ying Xuan hurriedly grabbed Weiwei's arm, and casting a goodbye look towards Shaoyan, rushed out of the room.

Once outside, the two almost bumped into Lu Zuan, who was carrying three packages of something.

"Where did you go Zuan? And what is in these?" Shi Weiwei asked as Lu Zuan glanced inside the room where the doctor had started yelling and raised her eyebrows at Xuan.

Ying Xuan shrugged and mouthed, "What's in the packets?"

Lu Zuan said as she turned around and began walking, "Remember how the doctor said we won't have enough time to go have breakfast?"

Shi Weiwei: "Yeah. And how you vanished suddenly after that. What was that all about?"

Lu Zuan rolled her eyes as she handed one packet to Xuan and Weiwei each, "Use your brain. I made a quick trip to cafeteria. We won't have to go to class on empty stomachs."

Ying Xuan opened her packet and saw that it contained one spring roll and a bottle of water.

She turned her head to see Weiwei and Zuan pulling out the same out of their packets.

She signed, 'Thanks Zuan. You are the best!!'

Lu Zuan once again rolled her eyes, "You say that quite a lot. Anyway, what was happening inside? Why was the angry bird yelling?"

Shi Weiwei laughed as she told all that had happened with the doctor, and the three girls headed for class.

Ying Xuan's first class of the day was fashion designing. And it didn't really feel the same without Su Shaoyan. Ying Xuan was very uncomfortable as she attracted a lot more than usual stares today, looking like someone who has had a fatal accident, and the news of the fight had already spread across the campus.

Ying Xuan was gloomy as she met up with Lu Zuan and Shi Weiwei after the first class.