Jingyu was like the sun

Oblivious to all that had happened in the cafeteria, the three girls said goodbye to Shaoyan as the lunch break got over and headed for their classes.

Ying Xuan had Chinese literature, so she headed for her class alone. On the way, Ying Xuan felt like she was attracting even more stares, more than what she had done in the morning.

Ying Xuan shook her head. She was going paranoid, thinking herself the centre of the universe. "Well, living with Xi was bound to have some effect." Xuan chuckled to herself as she entered the class.

As she entered, Ying Xuan's doubts flew out of the window. She was definitely attracting more stares than in the morning. People had actually dropped whatever they were doing, stopped their conversations, to look at her.

Xuan wondered what had she done now as she walked to her favourite seat at the back of the class by the window.

To her surprise, people followed her with their eyes and most of them turned their heads as she headed to the back.

"Okay. Very wierd. What the hell happened that I know nothing about!!!!???" Xuan exclaimed in her mind as she stared back, hoping that the students would look away.

Some did, others did not. Ying Xuan was about to go crazy with anticipation when the teacher entered the class and called them all to attention. At last, the attention was off Xuan and she could panic in peace regarding what had happened.

It was then that Xuan cast her eyes around the classroom and was surprised, and worried to see that Wei Jingyu was not there.

"He was not at the infirmary. So where could he be? I really hope he is all right." Xuan thought to herself as she opened her book.

It had already been ten minutes since class started and Ying Xuan was getting more and more worried. "What if something really did happen? I don't think Jingyu was in condition...." Her thoughts were cut short as the door of the classroom opened.

Ying Xuan looked up in anticipation, thinking that Jingyu had finally come to class. Instead, she was surprised to see Ying Xi enter.

Xuan sighed and turned towards the window, so she did not see the hateful stare that Xi threw her way as she apologized to the teacher and took a seat.

Five more minutes passed and Ying Xuan was so gloomy that she felt dark clouds over her head. Xuan had not realised it herself, but she really had been anticipating her meeting with Jingyu.

The door of the classroom slid open again, and Ying Xuan looked towards it, hoping, but ready to be disappointed.

This time, she was not disappointed, as Wei Jingyu entered the class with his brows furrowed and a worried expression on his face. His eyes directly went towards Xuan's seat even before he was fully inside, and his face lighted up in a goofy grin.

Ying Xuan silently chuckled upon seeing his change in expression. The dark clouds flew away and she felt like sun had come out, shining brightly.

Wei Jingyu made his way towards Xuan, disregarding the teacher and all the students, his eyes locked with Xuan's.