It's nice to see you rattled

Ying Xuan did not know how long the two were frozen, staring at each other.

Just as Xuan was recovering her senses, Jingyu suddenly disappeared from the window and Ying Xuan heard a dull thud from below.

She rushed to the window, opened it and peered out to see Wei Jingyu sprawled on the flower bed just outside their dorm building.

Ying Xuan's room was on the second floor and if not for the flower beds, Wei Jingyu would have been badly hurt falling from the window.

Just as he opened his eyes and sat up, groaning, Ying Xuan signed, 'What the f*ck are you doing?'

Jingyu sat up, groaning and not replying. His mind seemed to be adjusting to what had happened.

Xuan signed again, 'Are you all right?! GOD!! YOUR NOSE IS BLEEDING!!!!"

Jingyu reacted to this, he clasped his hand to his nose and found it really was bleeding.

Xuan left him to recover his senses as she hurriedly threw on the first clothes and shoes she found and ran out of the building and towards where Wei Jingyu had fallen.

By the time she got there, he seemed to have recovered quite well.

Jingyu was sitting leaning on a tree a little way off the dorm building and had his handkerchief clasped to his nose.

Xuan dropped to her knees in front of him and began fusing about.

'Are you all right? Did you hurt yourself?' She signed.

She fussed for quite some time before Xuan heard quiet chuckling. She looked up to see Wei Jingyu with a smile on his lips.

Xuan pulled back and stared at him.

Jingyu continued chuckling, "Go on. I quite liked that."

Xuan stood up, pouting. Wei Jingyu also stood up, still smiling, "Hey! Come on. I was kidding. It's nice to see you all rattled up."

Ying Xuan whipped around and began to walk away, her wet hair hitting Wei Jingyu in the face.

He stood transfixed at the same spot for a few seconds, the smell of Xuan's hair lingering in his face.

He recovered, shook his head and grabbed Xuan's wrist. "Sorry. Sorry! It's just..."

Xuan pulled her hand and signed, 'I was not rattled.'

Wei Jingyu started laughing but immediately checked himself at the sight of Xuan's face.

Ying Xuan turned around to leave again and he grabbed her shoulders, saying, "Wait. Wait. WAIT!!!!!"

Ying Xuan turned back, her brows furrowed.

"What's wrong?" Jingyu asked.

Xuan signed, 'Headache. Still, I was not rattled.'

Jingyu suppressed a smile and pointed at Ying Xuan.

She narrowed her eyes and Wei Jingyu sighed, "Just take a look at yourself."

Ying Xuan looked down at herself and gasped.

She really had been very rattled. She was wearing a blue sweater inside out and mini-skirt not matching her sweater or suited to the weather. She even had mismatched shoes on.

Seeing her own clothes, Xuan sighed before a slight chuckle escaped her lips.

She signed, 'What were you doing at my window anyway? And are you fine? Your nose was bleeding. Are you hurt somewhere?'

Wei Jingyu shook his head. He was glad that Xuan was so worried she had not guessed why his nose had started to bleed.

He changed the topic, "Where were you the whole morning anyway?"