She has my heart

Ying Xuan opened her eyes as Wei Jingyu's hand disappeared from over them, to see him standing a few paces away, head bowed and eyes averted.

Xuan looked away as Jingyu looked up. She was panting as though she had just run a marathon, and her heart seemed to be backing it up.

The two stood silent for a long time, each not able to see the other's deep crimson blush in the dark night.

Finally, Wei Jingyu spoke, "So, how about a rehearsal?"

Ying Xuan nodded as she secretly fanned herself. The two practiced the whole play one time and Xuan hardly knew what she was doing. Her mind was still stuck a few moments away and her heart beat would quicken every time Wei Jingyu came closer to her.

Once they were done, Wei Jingyu clapped his hands. "That was great. That was better than great! That was perfect!"

Ying Xuan looked up to see him beaming, and her face broke into a smile too. 'That was good!! And I was not in the least worried about anyone watching!!!' Xuan signed and without thinking what she was doing, she hugged Wei Jingyu.

Wei Jingyu froze for a second before he recovered himself and his arms wrapped around Ying Xuan.

This seemed to bring back Xuan to what she had done as the two broke apart.

Wei Jingyu rubbed his nose and said, "Think about whatever was on your mind while acting. You'll do great. Goodnight."

'Goodnight.' Ying Xuan signed, but she wasn't sure that Wei Jingyu saw that as he hastily turned and walked away.

Ying Xuan's mind was still going over the kiss that had almost happened as she walked back into a dorm building, in a daze.

Wei Jingyu held his forehead as he walked towards the boys'dorms.

It had been undoubtedly one of the best moments of his life, but he was regretting doing that now. "It may have helped her, but I'll be thinking about it the whole night and get no sleep." he sighed to herself as he walked.

And even if he did, Jingyu knew that he would be dreaming about Ying Xuan. That girl had his heart without even bloody realising it properly.

The next day....

Just before the practice started and everyone had taken their positions, Wei Jingyu caught Xuan's eye.

He smirked and signed, 'Remember the tree.'

Ying Xuan blushed and her mind immediately ran to the events of the last night, a slight blush creeping onto her cheeks.

Shi Weiwei walked upto Xuan as the final scene ended.

"That was perfect!! Oh my god Xuan!!! That was great!!!!!" she exclaimed and hugged Ying Xuan. The latter smiled and nodded, and Weiwei was immediately worried.

She touched Xuan's forehead and said, "Are you all right? You look a bit red? You're not running a fever right?"

Ying Xuan waved away her hand as Su Shaoyan rushed over, "You're running a fever!?!? Don't even think about it?! You're not spoiling my first ever live model, and such a great one too!!!"

Ying Xuan glared at him and signed, 'I'm fine Weiwei. And good to know where your priorities are Shaoyan.'

Su Shaoyan hugged her, "Aww... Don't be mad, you know I love you!!!!" He exclaimed.