You deserve the world

While Lu Zuan and Mo Kio were struggling against the questions of gossipers, Wei Jingyu led Xuan to the door of the ladies washroom.

He steadied her and spoke, "Will you be all right by yourself?"

Ying Xuan nodded and headed in. Wei Jingyu leaned on the wall outside the washrooms and waited. He pulled out his pack of cigarettes and took out one. Jingyu stared at it for quite some time, internally debating whether to light it or not.

He knew Xuan hated him smoking, but he had been very busy the whole day with the performance and then the party, and had had no time to smoke.

Jingyu was still debating when he heard a sudden knocking. It seemed to be coming from inside the ladies washroom. Jingyu walked to the door and spoke, "Xuan? Xuan? Is everything all right?" The knocking grew more urgent.

Jingyu began to get more worried as he put his hand on the doorknob and said, "Xuan? I'm coming in."

It was fortunate that no one was in as Jingyu rushed to Ying Xuan, who was sitting on the floor of the washroom.

"Xuan? What happened?" Wei Jingyu was immediately worried and squatted down.

Ying Xuan winced and pointed towards her ankle. Jingyu gently took her foot in his hands and took off her heels.

He then saw that Xuan had twisted her ankle and it was already a bit red and swollen.

Jingyu took Xuan in his arms and made her sit on the platform beside and wash basins. He then knelt and took Xuan's feet in his hand once again.

"Does it hurt?" he asked, his own face contorted with pain.

The alcohol Ying Xuan had drunk while playing spin the bottle seemed to be taking effect now as she signed with a dorky smile, 'Kiss it better.'

Wei Jingyu: "....??"

He ignored the drunk Xuan and gently prodded her ankle. Finally, he spoke, straightening up, "It's probably nothing serious. I think you only twisted your ankle. But we should go get it checked anyways."

Ying Xuan didn't seem to be in her right mind as she threw her arms around Wei Jingyu and pulled him to her.

Once the two were close, Xuan signed, 'Thank you Jingyu. Thank you so much for loving me. I know I don't deserve you. You deserve so much more than me. You deserve the world. But can I be selfish and keep you?'

Wei Jingyu had a bit of difficulty discerning the signs due to their closeness and Xuan being tipsy.

His eyes turned dark as he understood the meaning and spoke, "Don't dare to say that you don't deserve me or I deserve more than you. I have never been concerned about what I deserve. I only know what I want. And what I want, is you."

Saying this he kissed Xuan's forehead and lifted her up in his arms.

"Come on now. We'll go see a doctor about that ankle." he said and carried Ying Xuan out.

Lu Zuan was alarmed to see Ying Xuan in Jingyu's arms. She rushed upto them and asked, "Is something wrong? And why does she look more drunk than when she left?"

"Nothing serious. Xuan seems to have twisted her ankle. I'm taking her to see a doctor right now. I'll also get some hangover medicine for her."