All you care about?

Wei Jingyu furrowed his brows, "I could talk to some people and get you the role back."

'No. No one is going to use their connections to sabotage Weiwei's play anymore.' Ying Xuan signed, a stubborn look coming over her face, 'I don't want her to be dragged into all this mess where a power war takes place and the person with the most power gets what he wants.'

Jingyu nodded. "But I'm not acting with Ying Xi. I'll resign if she becomes Marylene." he said,crossing his arms.

'Don't you see!!! That's exactly what she wants!!' Xuan signed, getting agitated. 'She is hoping that she'll either become the main lead or the play will never see the light of day. We can't let her have what she wants!'

Wei Jingyu's eyes dimmed but Xuan took no notice and continued, 'Xi may act like a mean bi*ch, but she's too used to people around her sucking up to her. As soon as she sees how unwelcome she is acting in Weiwei's play, she'll be miserable!!'

Jingyu stared at Xuan with a complicated speech as the latter finished. "Is that all you care about?" he asked, his voice going up one octave.

Seeing Ying Xuan's confused expression, he spoke, his voice getting louder with every word, "I never thought you were this kind of person. She'll be miserable? What about everyone else? Won't they be miserable too? What about Weiwei? Won't she be miserable with Ying Xi telling here how to direct the play? What about Shaoyan? Won't he be miserable when Ying Xi bullies him and refuses to go on stage, saying that her make-up is ghastly? What about me?"

He was panting by the time he finished. Xuan was very taken aback by Jingyu's words right now. Had she really become so petty that she was relishing in the idea of Ying Xi being miserable? So much that she had actually forgotten how miserable her friends and everyone else would be?

Ying Xuan realized with horror that she actually was!! She had always tried never to be like her sister, wishing she would never find happiness in anyone's suffering. But that was exactly she was doing right now.

Seeing the look of abject horror on Xuan's face, Wei Jingyu opened his mouth to say something, but at that moment he suddenly heard distant footsteps and thought he saw a flashlight somewhere. Jingyu internally swore as he pulled Ying Xuan into some nearby bushes.

Ying Xuan's mind had been filled with self loathing when she suddenly felt herself being dragged. She was very surprised to find herself crouching in some bushes the next instant with Wei Jingyu just a few inches away, peering above them.

He suddenly crouched down beside her and signed, 'It's a guard. Seems like he heard me shouting.' Xuan nodded.

He moved a little so as to be better hidden, and the two of them seemed to realize at the same point how close they really were. Xuan was pressed into Jingyu's broad chest and he ha his arms around her, so that she may not lose her balance and fall.

Xuan looked up at Jingyu's face and found him looking at her with a weird expression. He leaned closer, as if to kiss her, and Xuan almost closed her eyes in anticipation as her breathing quickened.