Wei Jingyu and Ying Xuan!

Ying Xuan looked around and the whole hall seemed to be holding its breath. There was a kind of silence that any teacher would have killed to have in a classroom. Jingyu's hand which was holding hers tightened in anticipation. She barely had time to turn to him and give him a reassuring smile when the director actually shouted into the mic. "WEI JINGYU AND YING XUAN!!!!!!!!"

Four things happened at once. The director almost deafened them with his voice, the hall almost deafened them with its voice, someone nearly blinded Xuan and Jingyu with the spotlight they suddenly threw on them, and their friends nearly crushed them jumping over each other to jump on them and hug them.

Xuan was very confused with what was happening. She was suddenly flooded with white light and surrounded by numerous people, all speaking all at once.

She blinked, trying to focus on anything, trying to just think. It was then Ying Xuan realized that she had lost hold of Jingyu's hand in all the commotion. She wanted to call out to him, but of course she couldn't.

Ying Xuna suddenly felt like she couldn't breathe. She wasn't getting enough air. Xuan closed her eyes, right now she just wanted to breathe, and save her eyesight from that awful light. She could feel herself slipping, slowly, slowly.

Ying Xuan jerked awake and opened her eyes. As they focused, a pair of pale brown eyes came into her sight and she let out a sigh of relief. Xuan found that the people had moved away a bit and she could breathe now. "Are you okay?" Wei Jingyu was saying, shaking her by the shoulders. He sounded very worried. Xuan slowly nodded and steadied herself. She saw that one of Jingyu's friend had been supporting her and she bowed him a thank you.

"Are you sure?" he asked, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. Xuan was about to nod when another voice commanded her attention. Ying Xuan turned towards the stage. "Miss Ying? Miss Ying? Are you okay?" the director asked her, seeing that she had come to.

Xuan nodded as a faint blush crept onto her cheeks, embarrassed with all the attention. "Will you be able to come up on the stage?" he asked again. Xuan nodded and quickly began to walk towards the stage, but she was held back by Wei Jingyu, who still had a very tight hold on her shoulders, as though she might collapse again.

"Are . . you . . sure . . ?" he asked again. Xuan wriggled out of his grasp and grasped his arm, nodding. 'I'm feeling perfectly okay now.' she managed to sign with her one free hand.

Wei Jingyu nodded and walked with her, but Xuan couldn't help but notice that his body was a little more rigid than usual, or that his grip was a little tighter as he helped her on the stage.

Xuan gave it an assuring squeeze that was meant to say 'I'm fine' as they walked to the director and accepted their sashes and rather grand bouquets. Ying Xuan couldn't help but notice how Jingyu's one eye was on her the whole time they stood on the stage, worrying if she would faint again.

"Okay everyone. We will start the couple dance in five minutes, so I request all the people to clear the dance floor."