Chapter 434: A Realmlord's Determination

Wei Wuyin inwardly cursed. The suppression of ninth-grade pellets was a gross miscalculation on his part, costing him precious seconds to flee or plan. The approaching pressure of a Realmlord at his back was growing stronger and more oppressive with every breath of time. Despite that, he remained extremely calm, his mind circulating fiercely.

This wasn't the first time he'd been chased. In fact, he was chased by the Wall of Heaven, taking life and rending land, sky, and sea as it passed. He survived that; he had the utmost confidence to survive this. What was a Realmlord before the Wall of Heaven? 

With the light of calculation effusing from his eyes, he continued his mad dash across the grey sandy desert. The female Realmlord at his back was fast, but the Season of Regression seemed to greatly suppress spatial force. If he was on the Myriad Monarch Continent running from Tuo Bihan, he wouldn't have gotten more than a few hundred meters before being intercepted.