Chapter 487: Invitation

The Light Reflection Phase was the last crucial step towards determining the foundation of one's cultivation base. This excluded the always important quantity of Astral Force, quality of innate energies within one's fleshy body, and Intent. While the Light Conjuring Astral Tribulation was instantaneous, the resulting consolidation of one's astral force was not. 

Outside the True Desolate Temple, Wei Wuyin slowly inhaled, the ambient light energies flowed into his meridians, pores, and mouth, absorbed until they funneled into his Astral Souls. After reaching the Light Reflection Phase, he finally understood the true meaning of 'Primary Light'. 

In some ways, the Primary Light was the filter within the Astral Soul, absorbing and refining light energies to equate its qualities. These light energies would then integrate with the physical, mental, spiritual, essence, and spatial energies to produce the newly refined astral force.