Chapter 743: Soldier of War, Raw Poison Mixture


Guan Yu's eyes opened as he looked at the halo quiver and rise, revealing the figure of Wei Wuyin in all his pure white-dressed, extremely handsome-faced, and closed-eyed glory. Guan Yu was interested in what Wei Wuyin purchased with his War Souls. He hurriedly rose and walked over, about to ask this question. 

"How many Soldiers of War have you killed?" Wei Wuyin interrupted his curious approach with this direct question. This startled Guan Yu. Then, his expression shifted with a trace of fear. 

"I'm not like that woman. I give my enemies the honor of a swift death, if possible. If...if you want my War Souls, I can give the excess and help you gather more!" Guan Yu hastily said, fearful that Wei Wuyin was about to act against him out of greed. Considering that Wei Wuyin had just been to the War Soul Exchange, he must've sensed how incredible those items were.