20. What's Plan B?

"We have to do something."

As soon as they heard her, Long Tang and Long Rao stopped in their tracks.

Whether it was hesitation or doubt, Chen Jingyun didn't know.

But as the seconds ticked by, she drew her conclusions.

Maybe she would have to do this alone.

And it would be fine.

She couldn't force them.

After all, they just met.

Reaching such a conclusion, a small smile appeared on her lips.

"You know, I can do this by myself. Don't wo-"

"Are you kidding me?"

Long Tang turned around with a big smile.

It was one of the most youthful and biggest smiles, he could have looked quite cute at any other moment.

But right now... he looked like a madman to Chen Jingyun!

Dude, what are you excited about?!

"Ha ha ha!" Long Tang laughs heartily as grabs onto her shoulder looking even madder.

"Ah, Brother Yun, why didn't you tell me you are actually a black belt seventh-degree jiu-jitsu fighter?"

What the f**k?!

How did this guy's brain function?

Chen Jingyun's eye twitched as a sarcastic smile was revealed on her face.

"Are you dumb or are you just pretending?"

At the back, Long Rao pinched the space between his eyebrows.

"He's dumb."

"Hey, I'm not dumb!"


Long Rao gave him a hard stare before clearing his throat." What should we do?"

"Fight our way in, kick some asses, and save the guy. Duh." Long Tang shrugged as he began to stretch. "Whoever kicks the most asses shall be called... kickass."

This guy was too... unique.

To this suggestion, Chen Jingyun energetically shook her head. She might have gotten military training, but it is not like she could just reveal her skills.

She was supposed to be an ordinary guy.

She couldn't attract more attention than necessary.

"Fighting is not the only way!"

"There is another way?" Long Tang cutely tilts his head. Real confusion and surprise settled in.

"Of course! We just have to find it... Let's see."

The three of them squatted down and pondered as they look at the floor.

Running his hands on the rough pavement, Long Tang was deep in his head, furrowing his eyebrows as he thought.

Is there another way?

Just look a the number on their side! How can they peacefully get that Bao kid?

They have to kick ass!

Giving up on planning, Long Tang pushed out his ideas.

"So, Plan A, we run back there and fight until everyone is down! Of course, they are the ones down..."

Chen Jingyun shook her head.

"What's Plan B?"

"Plan B is... we will use you as bait and we rescue the Bao kid!" Long Tang grinned as he pointed at her.

Chen Jingyun didn't even blink.

"How about you go be the bait."

"That's Plan C."

Chen Jingyun sighed and proceeded to massage her temple.

Patience, patience...

Alright, at least they were going to help.

"How about you, Long Rao? Do you have any ideas?" Chen Jingyun turned with hopeful eyes.

Surely, Long Rao, who looked and acted like a rational human being would have better ideas than Long Tang...

Seeing Chen Jingyun's hopeful face, Long Rao just blinked and answered in his most honest and serious tone.

"Plan D, I'm the bait."


"Long Rao, I thought you were better than this." Chen Jingyun said weakly.

Earning such a reaction, Long Rao only let out a small chuckle. "Of course I'm better than this."


"How about you run as far away as you can and we go get the guy?" Long Rao somberly said. "I already made the calculations, an average little guy like you wouldn't be able to take even one of the,."

Chen Jingyun covered her face. "We don't have to fight."

"In my data, a fight is bound to happen. Once they see us, they will go after us." Long Rao said as a matter of fact as he shrugged.

Chen Jingyun just stayed silent. She didn't want that outcome.

Seeing the reluctance in her eyes, Long Rao asked.

"Then, what do you suggest?"

What does she suggest?

How did she get caught at that time?

Once again Chen Jingyun was taken back to her past.

Walking down the halls in her pretty shoes and signature condescending smile, a younger Chen Jingyun strolled down the hall with the company of girls.

She had everything. She had expensive jewelry, a uniform adorned with medals, and the latest shoes of the season.

Oh, and all these girls? They just wanted to be her.

One foot in front of the other, Chen Jingyun strutted with a smug smile as she looked to the front.

In front of her, a much less confident and shy girl was taking slow steps. Her shoulders were hunched and her head was hanging low. It was as if she was trying to make herself seem small.

That girl was... Yu Xueyan.

"Walk faster, I don't have all day, darling~" She remembered pushing the girl and making her stumble on her feet.

"Sorry..." Yu Xueyan quietly stood up from the ground.

Then they were in the bathroom, she hovered over Yu Xueyan's tear-stained face. Her face had an evil smile and poison was running through her mind.

At one point, someone handed her the scissors, and she grabbed it.

They were metal scissors.

On her hands, it felt lightweight, cold to the touch, and sharp.

She remembered seeing her reflection on the metal.

At that moment she felt hesitant and lost of what to do with it.

Then she looked up and stared at Yu Xueyan's long, and beautiful honey hair. Unusual but exceedingly pretty on the light.

And something within her snapped.

It was jealousy.

"Please don't do this." She remembered that trembling voice.

But she didn't listen.

Grabbing hold of that honey hair, a pair of scissors mercilessly approached...

"Qin Yun?"

Blinking several times, Chen Jingyun looked up at her two new friends almost breathless.

They were looking at her with concern.

"Are you good?"

Only then, she became aware of her surroundings again.

"Ah... Yes, I'm good." Chen Jingyun assured them as she stood up wiping her sweaty palms on the fabric of her pants. Taking deep breaths as she went.

But she still couldn't shake the feeling away.

"Are you sure? You look quite pale..."

"Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry." Chen Jingyun squeezed out the smallest of smiles.

She felt a little sick.

"Then... Do you have a plan?"

Running a hand through her hair in distress, Chen Jingyun finally affirmed.

Yes, she did have a plan.