34. Muffin's law

What's that law called?

Muffin's Law?

Either way, it applied so well in Chen Jingyun's life.

Anything that can go wrong will go wrong


Grabbing onto Chen Jingyun's collar, Luo Shao dragged her into the room looking like the bane of her existence. That silly grin on his face was no longer cute, but the sight of her nightmares!

How is she going to escape this time...

Oh, right!

Clutching onto her stomach, dramatically dropping onto the floor and rolling on the floor as she howled in pain, Chen Jingyun re-enacted the 'stomachache' scene.

Only more dramatic.

However, Luo Shao didn't fall for it. It seemed like somebody tipped him! No matter what trick she pulled, he didn't believe her!

"It's just a few drinks between friends inside the comfort of our room!" Luo Shao sat her on her assigned seat. "We also agreed to let you drink only half a cup as you punishment cup. So, you won't get wasted that fast! And, if you win... you won't even have to drink that much!"

True, true...

Chen JIngyun began to crack her knuckles, a look of determination revealed on her face as she imagined coming out victorious each round. She may not know how to play every board game out there, but she knew how to play some tricks.

After all, since the moment everything was in jeopardy and she wasn't a chance to retreat, this became... a war.

And you know what they say...

All is fair in love and war!

Tying a bandana on her head, Chen Jingyun entered the battle zone.


Round 1. Bluff!

[card game where players follow a sequence of numbers and put down a card claiming it is said number. Then, players decide whether Person A had been bluffing or not. If the accuser gets it wrong, he/she takes the cards. To win the game you have to empty your hand.]

Sitting around the table, the cute Chen Jingyun locked eyes with the player Su Long, each of them displaying distinct expressions. They were the last two players in the game, fighting for third place.

On one side, Chen Jingyun looked lax and carefree, not a sign of apprehension was caught. he had a little smirk that made it seem like she would win no matter what. Almost cruelly teasing her current opponent.

On the other side, Su Long was alert and attentive. He had to hit the jackpot now or Chen Jingyun would be proclaimed winner of this round game.

It was her last card in hand, once she got rid of it she would win the game!

And he couldn't let that happen!

He already lost to Luo Shao and Li Minghao, he couldn't afford to lose to this little guy too!

Besides... this guy also stole his cousin's attention!

How could he let Chen Jingyun get away with it?!


What is it going to be?

Truth or bluff?

Finally, Chen Jingyun made her move.

She put down her card.

"It's a six."

"Bluff!" Su Long called out!

An uncontrollable smile took over Chen Jingyun. "Check it then."

Seeing her wicked smile, Su Long dreadfully turned the card.

... it was a six.

"I will just drink my punishment..." Su Long bitterly drank in one go his cup of beer.

On the side, Li Minghao and Luo Shao snickered and shook their head at the blonde guy.

"Wa, I didn't know you would be so good Little Yun! Aren't you a pro in disguise?" Luo Shao innocently smiled as he said this comment.

Such comment viciously served to pierce Su Long in the back.

Chen Jingyun humbly shook her head and enjoyed her orange juice, but she still emitted a smug aura.

"Nothing like that. I'm still learning."

Another spikey comment...

While Su Long was shuffling all the cards and getting pierced by all the comments, Li Minghao calmly poured beer into a cup. He then slid it over to Chen Jingyun's way.

"But you still have to drink up."

"What? Why!?" Chen Jingyun threw her hands up. "I wasn't the last place!"

Li Minghao only smiled and pointed at himself.

"Only first place is saved from drinking."

In the end, Chen Jingyun also bitterly drank up her loss!


Round 2. Big two!

[As the name says, the number 2 is the strongest card in the game, followed by aces, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8... until 3. Spades>hearts>clover>diamond. Combinations allowed: pairs, triples, poker hands...the first one to deal all his/her cards wins]

"Who dealt with the cards?" Chen Jingyun looked up from her deck.

She was appalled!

After going through the cards, her deck turned out to be an ugly combination of cards!

What is she supposed to do with such ugly cards?

Isn't this cursing me to drink?

"It was me." Su Long lifted his chin in defiance. "What? You have a problem?"

Chen Jingyun only swallowed her dismay and smiled. "No, I just wanted to let you know you have beautiful hands!"

Su Long narrowed his eyes at her, unsure if she had spoken the truth or not. " I see."

"Let's start the game!"

"Who has the three of diamonds?"

"Me." Li Minghao raised his hand and grabbed a handful from his deck and placed them beautifully on the table.

Straight flush!

Looking down at her ugly cards, Chen Jingyun shook her head. She had nothing to top that!

"I will pass."



Once again Li Minghao started the round.

This time he did a low number.

As each player dealt their card and the value of the card was increasing, the tension was building.

Who will take the lead?

After two runs, in the third run, Li Minghao decked out the highest card in the game!

Two of spades!

He immediately won the run and had the opportunity to start the round again!

On cue, he lowered his five cards left.

"Oh no, he's going to do it." Luo Shao facepalmed.

A low-value full house...

And with that, Li Minghao won once again.

Without even ending the whole round, Chen Jingyun already reached for her punishment cup with a bitter smile.

"Don't you get tired of winning?"



After two hours, there were two things to point out.

One, cheating was of no use. Not with Li Minghao consistently bagging the first place and making the rest drink. And when they caught up to her tricks, they made her drink a whole can of punishment!

She ended up shooting her own leg!



She... lost control of herself.