74. Observe

"Ready?" Li Minghao said in a low voice.

He had gone into the bathroom right after she finished and was now fully dressed and ready to go for a breakfast or maybe the runway. He just looked so effortless yet put together.

"Yeah, I just need to... find my phone." Chen Jingyun whispered as she fumbled around her desk.

Resisting the urge to cover his face with his palm as a sign of exasperation, Li Minghao instead gave her a helping hand. "It's on your back pocket."

"Oh! Really?" Chen Jingyun was genuinely surprised as she put a hand to her butt. Indeed, her phone was safely tucked away into the great pockets of jeans crafted for the male gender. They could fit a whole horse in there, you know?

"We can go now." She smiled now that she had everything she needed.

"Good." Li Minghao just nodded and guided her out into the door.

Once they were out in the corridor, they began to speak at a normal volume although still not too loud as they didn't want to be inconsiderate of their neighbors.

"We're going on my car." Li Minghao commented as he showed her the car keys. "It is better than going on a public transport."

"Do you say it for safety reasons or comfort in general?"


"Oh. Okay." Chen Jingyun nodded slowly before a random thought popped into her head.

Glancing at him, Chen Jingyun amde a genuine question.

"Do you think you can teach me to drive?"

Arching his eyebrows, Li Minghao was a bit surprised at her request.

"You don't know how to drive?"

Corssing her arms, Chen Jingyun said a bit defensively.

"I'm only sixteen, you know?"

Li Minghao shook his head. That wasn't what he meant.

"I know. I am just surprised you grandfather hasn't taught you or something. It is a very important skill to have."

"I was away for two years."

"True." Li Minghao gave her that. "How old were you when you were admitted though?"

Chen Jingyun nodded from side to side, thinking about it.

"Just turned fourteen, something like that." She stepped out of the lift.

"Seems like a reasonable age to teach you at least a bit about driving." Li Minghao looked back as he opened the doors for her.

"How old were you when you were taught to drive anyways?" She threw the conversation towards him. Putting her hands on her hips.

Let's see if he did as well as he talked.

"Fourteen." He cocked his head innocently. "I also passed the driver's test on the first try."

"Is it that hard?"

"Other than a thousand questions to study for and the actual driver's test, yes. "

"One thousand questions?!" Chen Jingyun gawked.

Did their country that many laws and norms? On just driving? Wow, she better start reading up...

Li Minghao only nodded and lead them to his car.

"Since you did so well in today's training, I'm going to take you to somewhere good." Li Minghao said as he started the engine and drove out of the parking lot.

By now the sun was out and some students, early birds of course, were on and about with their days.

"Where are you going to take me?" Chen jingyun perked at his sentence.

She sensed a feast comming.

"The Spring Pavillion."

If Chen Jingyun had been drinking water she would have spat it out.

"The Sping Pavillion?!" She gawked for the second time today. "That's reservation only! How did you do it?"

The Sping Pavillion is one of the restaurants that had a rocky beginning that grew up to become a great legend in the cuisine world... the place her dad told her would become a great place and she didn't believe him until she took a bite out of their red beans dumpllings.

"Connections." Li Minghao simply said.

Yeah right... connections.

As they were waiting for the gater to open for them, the two of them saw a taxi stop right in front of them. Comming out of the vehicle, there seemed to be a young lad covered from head to toe as if he couldn't stand the light touching him.

Chen Jingyun didn't think much of it. She just thought the taxi was blocking her way to heaven by stopping right in the entrace and exit of the school.

Meawhile Li Minghao patiently waited and just observed what happened around him, in this case, it was the road and the young lad.

He had no interest whatsoever in the young lad per se, but nonetheless he still made sure to keep an eye on him. It was out of habit. He liked to remember details that could be important or useful to his future narrative for whatever reason there may be.

Once the taxi left, Li Minghao had the opportunity to join the road, but he still took his time and drove a bit slowly. He even took time to greet the guard by the gates.

The last he saw of that lad was him walking away from the spot he was dropped of which could be both odd but also not at the same time.

Nonetheless, that young lad, his overral silhouette and the clothes he wore, were now engrained in some part of Li Minghao's brain.

Whether that would prove useful to him in the future or not, he didn't know.