Chapter 3

Warmth felt so good to someone who was so cold even to the touch. Gemma's eyes flickered open again and she shot up like a bullet top look around the unfamiliar place.

"You're awake," the familiar voice of the kind stranger said.

Gemma whipped her head around to see the face of the person who saved her. He curly brownish blonde hair and blue eyes to compliment his charming smile.

She felt as though she saw him somewhere before. As he handed her a mug, their fingers touched sending electricity through her arm.

"How do you feel?" he asked, placing the back of his hand to her forehead and cheeks.

"Warmer for sure," she said with a slight blush.

He let his hand linger as they didnt break eye contact. He gently stroked her cheek with the back of his index finger and smiled at her shyness.

"I'm just glad you're okay," he said softly, standing up to check the fire in the fireplace.

"Thank you for saving me," gemma said after taking a sip of the hot coco. "I was done and couldnt go on anymore. I would like to know why my cab never arrived."

He turned to look at her. She was sitting crossed legged on the big couch, the sofa nearly swallowing her small figure. Her brown hair laid a mess over her shoulders and her brown eyes roamed the cup in her hands.

"I'm not sure. I'm just glad I went down that route just in time," he said sitting on a stool in front of her. "What is your name by the way? I'm Magnús Scheving."

Her eyes grew wide and she nearly choked on her warm drink. Magnús Scheving was the one who saved her? She looked him over. He didnt look like a superhero so maybe Kim had it all wrong?

"I'm Gemma Gomez," she cleared her throat and composed herself.

"Nice to meet you," he extended his hand towards her.

"You too..." she shyly placed her hand in his and felt her face grow hot.

Why did his touch and gaze send butterflies in her stomach? Gemma brushed a stranded hair behind her ear and looked down at her cup as he smiled and rose from his seat.

"You're more than welcome to stay here as long as you want," he invited. "I have a guest room. Just let me know."

"Thank you, but I have a hotel reservation..." Gemma said but paused.

Remembering that Kim told her to get as close to Magnús as she could she nodded slowly.

"But, I really dont want to be alone right now," she added. "After what happened to me..."

He chuckled. "I understand. Dont worry, I'll watch over you while you're here."

He smiled his charming smile and gave a slight wink. Even this sent chills throughout her whole body. What was wrong with her? Did the near sudden death cause her brain to freeze or something?

"I will show you to your room," Magnús said motioning for her to follow.

He watched as she slide to the edge of the sofa to get up. She had a small figure and she had to be at least 5'0. Magnús thought this was cute. Gemma stood in front of him for the first time, concluding her height was indeed short.

Chuckling, Magnús patted the top of her silky head. "You're small."

Gemma scrunched up her nose. "I am not."

Magnús laughed and lead the way to the guest room. Gemma rolled her eyes and followed with a small smile. He was pretty tall. And handsome. He also smelled nice.

"Get your head out of the clouds, Gemma," she thought to herself. "You're here for one thing only. Not to fall for someone you dont even know."

"I hope this room is comfortable for you," he was saying as he opened the door to the guest room.

"It's perfect... I was wondering if you have wifi here? I need to get in touch with family back home and let them know I'm okay," she said politely changing the subject.

He nodded with a grin and told her the password and wifi ID. "I will leave you alone now. Don't stay up too late. You want enough energy tomorrow."

"Thank you," she said, giving him a shy smile.

There she goes again being shy. Something was wrong with her, she thought as she closed the door and opened her video call. It rang a few times then Taylor's hyper voice sang.

"There she is!" he said clapping. "We were worried something happened to you!"

"You have no idea," Gemma said and related everything that had happened so far.

After she finished Taylor gasped and Kirsten shook her head.

"I'm just glad you're okay and safe," Kirsten said. "I'm surprised Kim didnt warn you to pack heavier jackets! But I'm glad you were rescued!"

Gemma nodded and watched as Taylor was having a moment. She arched an eyebrow.

"I cant believe my girl almost froze to death!" Taylor was saying, placing a hand over his heart. "That man better take good care of you or I'll come down there myself and beat him up."

Gemma laughed. "He has muscles for days, Taylor. I'm sure he'd have you on the ground in a few seconds."

Taylor did a funny dance and pursed his lips. "Girl, sounds like you got rescued by a hero or something... you don't think..."

Gemma shook her head. "No, there's no way."

There was no way Magnús was this hero Kim was going on about. Although he looked fit, he didnt seem like the superhero type. But the mystery still remained; was there a superhero there named Sportacus? And if there was how would she be able to find him?

"Girl, you look tuckered out. You should sleep," Kirsten said pulling Gemma out of her thoughts. "Ask questions tomorrow when you're well rested and call us when you can."

Gemma nodded and blew them kisses then hung up. The bed was so warm and comfortable. As soon as she laid her head down, there was a knock on her door.

"Yes?" she called.

"I came to check on you," Magnús peeked his head in.

"Thank you. I'm fine. I was about to go to sleep," Gemma said, shyly pulling the cover up to her chest.

He grinned and nodded. "Good night then."

With that the door closed and she smiled. He cared enough to check on her? She gave the door a funny look and quietly climbed out of bed and with a few hops, stood in front of the door and opened it enough go look out. Magnús was turning lights off and soon closed his door down the hall.

Gemma's hand hovered over the lock as she quickly shut the door. But she pulled away and shrugged. If he wanted to harm her, he would've done it when she was passed out. She climbed back into the warm covers and was soon off into a deep sleep.