Chapter 7

Gemma fluttered her eyes open slowly at a gentle touch to her face. Magnús was staring at her, caressing her cheeks.

"Good afternoon. Why are you on the floor?" he asked moving a stand of hair behind her ear.

She faintly smiled and closed her eyes again. Finally realizing she head no clothes on under the blankets her head shot up and her cheeks turned bright red.

"Oh no... can you um," she stuttered looking at herself and then at him.

He smiled and nodded as if he understood and went into the kitchen. Gemma got up quickly and ran to her room more embarrassed than ever. As soon as she got to her bedroom she closed the door and leaned against it with her back, her hands grasping the blankets around her.

"That was so embarrassing," she said with a huge sigh. "Why is everything absolutely wrong happening to me since I came here?"

Gemma dropped the blankets on the bed and dressed herself in something warm. Dare she go back out there and face Magnús? She just sat on the bed and stared at the door.

"Are you okay?" Magnús asked from the other side with a brisk tap on the door.

"Yeah... I had fallen through some ice at the lake," she began but stopped before she could say Sportacus saved her. She was still trying to believe it herself.

"Would you like hot coco?" he asked.

She nodded as if he could see her. "That would be nice yes... I'll be out soon when my face goes back to normal."

He chuckled and his footsteps were heard walking away. She facepalmed and grabbed her phone off the bed and opened emails to see if she received anything. Her inbox was as empty as her dating life.

"How did you get out of the ice?" Magnús asked her as soon as she made her presents known.

"Um," she paused. "Someone saved me?"

He glanced at her in confusion as if to say are you asking me or telling me someone saved you? Thankfully he didnt ask who.

"I'm glad you're safe. I wish I could've been here to save you myself or prevented it from happening," he looked down at the mug sadly as if he blamed himself.

"It's not your fault. I should've known better than to step out on the lake alone," she said putting a reassuring hand on top of his.

A spark of electricity coursed through his hand to his in a small shock. She pulled back quickly and chuckled awkwardly.

"Theres a spark," she joked and he returned her smile with a grin.

"Are you well enough to go sightseeing?" he asked giving her the mug of hot coco.

"I think so," she nodded taking a sip and letting it run down her throat with a sigh.

Magnús gave a big smile. He was still thinking of what Stefan told him about just asking her out. But him only knowing her for two days would make it awkward. He could tell Gemma was a bit uncomfortable for the many times her face would turn red with embarrassment. But he thought this was attractive in a way.

"Have you eaten yet? We can go somewhere for lunch," he offered in Hope's she hasn't eaten lunch.

She shook her head. "I was passed out on the floor in front of the fire place. I'm hungry though."

"I will call up reservations then," he said with a huge grin.

She tilted her head as he excitedly dialed a number. Either he really loved his home town and wanted to show it off to a complete stranger or he wanted to spend time with her. Gemma chose the first thought though. She was always told by certain people how boring and plain she was and a person can hear it so many times till they start believing it.

Gemma rested her chin in the cup of her hand and watched him talk on the phone while he stared out a window. She studied his features once again. Could he be Sportacus? He was the same height as the hero and same build. But their voices sounded different unless he could manipulate his voice.

"Okay, we have time to drive to the restaurant before our table is ready," Magnús said making eye contact with her. He noticed she had been staring but didnt let on in fears of her being embarrassed.

She seemed to be going through a lot of embarrassing moments since she arrived and he wanted to make her stay more comfortable. Although he wanted to gaze at her and admire her, he knew it would make her a bit uncomfortable.

"Sounds good to me. I'm ready when you are," she said hopping off the bar stool.

Compared to her, he was taller than she was. Magnús also thought this was attractive. He wanted to know more about her and he was sure the feeling was mutual. Although the drive was made in silence but she came alive as son as they arrived at a restaurant.

"Can I tell you a secret?" he suddenly asked as they walked through the doors of the Englendingavík restaurant near the water. "A reservation wasn't actually needed. I just wanted to make sure you would have a comfortable seating area so you can enjoy lunch."

Gemma smiled. "That's thoughtful of you. It's so beautiful here and the water smells good."

How can water have a scent, she thought to herself. Now she was sounding like a total idiot.

A thought hit her while they entered the cozy building. If Magnús was Sportacus, he would have to abruptly leave to save someone if they needed help. Or perhaps he had his costume under his clothes like superman and spiderman do in the movies? Gemma was having a hard time figuring things out. She really hoped she was wrong and he was just a normal guy. If he was just a normal guy, her trip here was pointless and The Loop would close down all because of a wild goose chase Kim sent her on.

"Are you okay? You look pale," Magnús noticed the sudden change in her mood. "You're not sick from the water are you?"

"No, no. I'm fine. I just remembered I left my cat unattended at home," she lied with a nervous chuckle.

He smiled and gave her a gentle side hug. Even his touch send her cheeks flaring and the butterflies returned.