Chapter 10

Day three of being in Iceland and Gemma was falling deeply in love with the place. She opened her eyes slowly thinking about last night and the beautiful lights. After they had returned back to Magnús's house, she had gotten an email from Kim asking for a update. Gemma ignored it until now.

"Hi, Kim. I haven't found out anything yet of Sportacus but I have met Mangús Scheving and I've gotten to know a little about him," Gemma wrote.

She went on to explain how he worked at a film studio and knew a lot about Iceland and the history of it. Gemma ended the email with, "He seems like a normal guy. Maybe we got everything wrong about him. I don't think he's Sportacus."

After sending it there was a gentle knock on her door and Magnús poked his head in.

"Good morning," he smiled. "I have breakfast and coffee ready for you and a hot shower waiting."

Gemma blinked. "T-thank you, Magnús... I didn't expect that. I'll be at the table in 5 minutes."

With one last smile and a wink, he closed the door. She climbed out of bed and just stood there staring at the door.

"Oh, be still my beating heart," Gemma said placing a hand over her heart. "I'm in big trouble... I think I'm falling for him."

There it was, that very thing she didn't want to admit and feared the most after meeting him for the first time. She brushed it off again and gathered stuff needed for a shower.

"I should probably tell Kirsten and Taylor about this. They'll know what to do," she said to herself as she walked slowly down the hall to the bathroom deep in thought.

"Gemma, I will return soon," Magnús stepped from the kitchen. "Stefan called needing my help but I will be back to pick you up so we can go to the studio."

She nodded and watch him swiftly go to his car. That was weird, she thought. Gemma never saw him leave that quickly before. She hoped everything was alright. Setting that aside, she showered quickly and ate her breakfast he had prepared.

"Hey female!" Kirsten's voice sang through as she answered her phone. "Taylor's here, hold on let me get him. TAYLOR! GEMMA IS ON VIDEO!"

"Heyyy," Taylor sang with a big smile. "How's Iceland?"

"Guys, I'm in trouble..." Gemma said seriously.

They shared a look.

"What happened?" Taylor asked a bit nervous.

Gemma sighed and rubbed her face with her hands. "I think I'm falling for Magnús Scheving."

Kirsten and Taylor's mouths dropped and they just stared. Hearing herself say this out loud made it a reality now.

"And Sportacus is real," she added. "I have the same attraction to him as well and he saved me once from drowning in ice! I don't know what to do."

"Cancel everything and claim your man!" Taylor exclaimed pumping his fists in the air. "Choose one girl!"

"Easy for you to say," Gemma said.

Kirsten shook her head. "You've met Sportacus once and you've known Magnús for how long? I'm sure you know exactly who you love more."

"No one said anything about love," Gemma stated.

Kirsten gave her a look. "Girl, you're blushing just bringing up his name. I bet you have the whole entire zoo in your stomach thinking of him or when he touches you or even looks at you."

Gemma felt her face get hot and flushed. "Maybe..."

"You're in love," Taylor squealed. "Our Gemma is growing up!"

She said nothing as her two best friends went on about how she needed to stop denying what was happening with the three days she's been there. Every feelings she's ever felt and dream she's ever dreamt about it all was a sign of sorts. It was up to her to continue the article or drop it completely and tell Magnús the truth.

"I don't even know if he's interested in me," she threw in there.

"You said he made you breakfast and got your shower running for you? He brought you into his home and wants you to stay," Taylor laid the facts out. "I'm pretty sure he's interested."

"Taylor, she's been cooped up for too long and played by so many guys. Give her a break not seeing the truth and hints he throws out there," Kirsten giggled.

"Hey, I have to go... he's back. He invites me to the film studio today and maybe I can gather some intel on Sportacus from some of the people there," Gemma said and quickly hung up.

She stared at her phone, the words of her friends echoing in her mind as Magnús walked in.

"Did something happen?" He asked, leaning close to her level and into her eyes.

"I... no..." she managed a smirk. "My friends were just teasing me is all. Everything is fine."

"Let's go to the studio," Magnús said handing her a coat.

On the way to the studio, Gemma was deep in thought. she had only met Sportacus once and she knew Magnús only a few days. How could she have feelings for someone shes met only once? How could she have the same physical experience when she touched Sportacus as she had with Magnús?

She let a sigh escape and Magnús glanced at her.

"What's one your mind? You've been quiet since we left the house," he stated, laying a hand on top of hers.

Gemma glanced down at his hand and sighed again. "A lot of things are on my mind... but I'm not ready to talk about it just yet."

He nodded. "I understand. Just know that I'm here whenever you feel ready."

She gave him a small smile and nodded. "I really appreciate it, thank you."

It wasn't too long till they arrived at a large metal building with Studio 1 on the side. There were a few people walking around outside, probably due to the cold.

"Everything we need is inside," Magnús said, noticing her questioning look as people entered the building. "Stefan can't wait to meet you."

"I cant wait to meet him either," she said following him to the entrance of the building.

They entered a dimly lit hallway aligned with doors. At the end was a large sitting room, people were walking about and laughing.

"Mr. Scheving is here," someone was saying as they made their presence known in the sitting room.

Everyone in the room stopped to say hello and shake his hand. He introduced her to everyone in the room. Knowing that he knew all their names was impressive to her and she made a mental note for later on her article about him.