WebNovelHer Daddy76.19%

Chapter (14) Beauty Did You Do it.


"Kazu will be coming soon, get dressed." As she sits up on the bed and smiles "Mhm." She goes into the closet as Matsuo sees her every move. He puts one hand up his shirt causally-. He sighs while walking out the room hearing kazu knock. Planning on telling her later about the talk him an kazu had later tonight.

He lets kazu in while they both sit in his office. Kazu greets him while he sits down. "Did you talk with her?"

"No, I was planning on telling her tonight.. I know she did get involved with them I just need to hear it from her." He sighs while looking out the window

He mumbles "She's going to get punished, she should of thought before hand."

Kazu replies "we'll back to the subject. It's still weird that there gang just stopped there shit out of no where. At least we can breath now an relax-" as he cough an mumbles under his breath "an fuck some ladies."

They both turn there heads to see Toyaha leaning against the door. As she was wearing booty shorts in black. An a white tight crop seeing her tits. Kazu looks at her from the bottom to the top directly into her golden eyes. "Hello there Beauty. It's been a long second since we've seen each other huh."

She smirks while crossing her arms "Yes it has Kazu." She walks in while she sits on Matsuos lap.

"Toyaha since you here an I was planning on telling you something later but forget that.-" Kazu looks at him in concern. While Toyaha turns her head towards Matsuo as her brows narrow down.

"What's wrong?" As Kazu clears his throat while looking down. Matsuo looks at her lips. "Are you sleeping with the other gang. The Enemy, Toyaha?" He waits for her response after a few minutes pass by as she looks away.

Kazu looking at Toyaha waiting for her to respond. "Yes. But it's not what it looks like.. well it does but there's a story about it." Matsuo looks at her with a straight face as he knew it was coming. Kazu not acting surprised.

"Speak it then." As he wanted her to continue an say the full story.

"Well a few days back in the beginning of this month. They took me while I was out grabbing the mail. They didn't take me you know outside to there car, or to there base. They grabbed me and one of them held me down inside the house, our house and named what they wanted. Which wasn't that hard. They wanted me.-"She rolls her eyes. "- in return I wanted them to not mess with the gang and do shit. Since I heard you over the phone awhile back hearing a gang member say there was beef with that gang."

Kazu makes a face hearing her words. As for Matsuo he looks away as he rubs his eyes with his hand as a deep sigh leaves his lips. Making her stop talking as her head leans down as she's ashamed.

"Toyaha you should've came to me. You know this.." He moves her off him making her stand up as she tugs on her top. "That's the thing, I didn't want to. For the sake of your life. I would do anything to keep you safe also the gang on your end." She talks softly

"That's stupid." Kazu responds out of no where making her turn her head towards her "Is there gang still bothering you." She rolls her eyes while looking at Matsuo "I just wanted to help. So I kept them away from the gang using my body.. and to also not hurt yo-" Matsuo speaks up over her "you can't keep me safe Toyaha I appreciate that you want too. But your in trouble yourself."

He looks over at Kazu as he nods towards the door. Telling him to leave. He nods saying okay as Kazu gets up while walking out leaving the house.

"Now, since you got yourself into trouble your going to get punished." As he turns her around holding her arms up against her back crossing them together..