Types of Essence of Nature

  In the cave, inside the spirit gathering circle, Ajax muttered, "Finally, I can tell the differences between the energies, and my body feels full of energy too."

Ajax stood up excitedly and came outside the spirit gathering circle. He looked around but could not find Elder Boron in the cave.

Although he wanted to go outside and find Elder Boron, he did not dare to go out because the Elder warned him not to go outside alone.

"I think it's better to wait inside the cave than to go out, so I won't become food for beasts," Ajax silently thought to himself.

In the meantime, he started to recall the insights gained inside the spirit gathering circle about elements of the essence of nature.

"It all began when I started to focus my consciousness on a single element. When I concentrated solely on the red-colored elements, it felt hot. I think it may be related to fire attribute", thinking up to here Ajax continued,

"Similarly, when I focused on blue-colored elements, it felt refreshing and rejuvenating. Maybe it is considered a water attribute. When my consciousness surrounds azure-colored elements, I feel pleasant. Yellow-colored elements made me feel like I was becoming sturdy. When Sensing green elements, my body is full of vitality. But I couldn't say what attribute it is. I should ask Elder Boron when he comes back."

At some point in time, amidst sensing elements inside the spirit gathering circle, he wondered if the elements around him must be related to fire, water, wind, and land. But only recently managed to feel the differences like warm, refresh pleasant, sturdy, and vitality. 

  Although he cannot tell what attribute this vitality belongs to, he can deduce something about it, but he wanted to confirm whether it is right or wrong with Elder Boron.

While he recalled different elements of the essence of nature, he heard Elder Boron's voice.

"Hey brat, did you finish your meditation??".

Suddenly, his body froze because he did not even know when Elder Boron entered the cave and stood behind him.

  He soon suppressed the shock and answered elder Boron, "Yes, Elder, I also managed to feel energies, and now I can differentiate them.

  I think they are different attributes of the essence of nature that you said about, like fire, water, air, and land, represented by red, blue, azure, and yellow. But I don't know whether I am right or wrong", Ajax said while remembering the feeling he felt when he was meditating inside the spirit gathering circle.

"What!! you sensed four types of energies inside the Spirit gathering circle?" Elder Boron asked surprisedly.

"No, Elder, I sensed all five elements that are present inside the spirit gathering circle," Ajax replied innocently.

"What?" the previous surprise turned into shock now.

It was not entirely wrong to be shocked because, according to him, one cultivator could only sense one element.

And it was a general fact.

However, in some cases, some geniuses could sense two elements. 

  Furthermore, in rare cases, some could detect three or four elements, and people call them 'Heaven's son'. 

But now, the boy in front of him could sense five elements.

There was another doubt inside his heart: he had only used the treasures that contain these five elements, and now Ajax sensed all five of them. What would happen if he uses other elemental treasures in the spirit gathering circle? Could he sense them too?

But soon he recovered from his shock when he heard Ajax's voice, "Yes Elder, I sensed all five elements, except for the last element. I didn't know which attribute it belonged to? However, I sensed that it was full of vitality".

"It belongs to the Life attribute, which is very rare, not bad, not bad," Elder Boron nodded his head with satisfaction.

Ajax also felt something is formed inside his body. Still, before he could ask the Elder about it, Elder Boron said slowly, "Ajax, since you can sense elements of nature fully, then it's about time for you to learn about Summoning."