
Unbeknownst of everything that was going to happen in Volar city, Ajax and his friends went to sleep peacefully.

In the middle of the night, Ajax woke up suddenly because he had a bad premonition in his heart, but he did not know what it was. So, he came out to breathe some fresh air.

"Who are they...? and their killing intent is very strong," as soon as he came outside, he saw some silhouettes running towards the orphanage full of killing intent.

He knew they were not here to talk, so he quickly went to wake up his friends without any delay.

"Everyone wake up, danger, danger," Ajax shouted in his room, waking his friends.

"What??" although all his roommates were in a deep sleep, they still woke up from the shout and asked at the same time.

"There is no time to explain, quickly alert all," as soon as he finished speaking, Ajax went to other rooms.

Looking at each other's faces, Ajax's friends also went to wake up others.

"It's the same as the information we got, no powerful fighter resides here... I think we can complete this mission sooner", one assassin said to the other assassins. 

Although many great fighters emerged from this silver orphanage, it was only managed by one older man who looks at the expenses of the orphanage.

There was also one middle-aged man who instructs children in their exercises and some older men and women who do daily chores. In summary, it is relatively easy to wipe out.

Before they finished waking up all the children, the running silhouettes entered the orphanage.

"Ah...!How do they know, we are attacking them," one masked assassin asked another.

"Who cares, they will die anyway," said another assassin who just cut the throat of the middle-aged instructor.

All the children were shocked when they saw their instructor die and began to run in various directions.

Ajax, along with his friends, also went into the direction of Cursed Wilderness.

"What a pain...! Split up and complete the mission quickly and collect the item as soon as it materialized. Now go!" the assassin in red who looked like a leader ordered his subordinates.

"Yes sir," soon all assassins spread in various directions and started slaughtering the children without any mercy.

"Please don't kill me,"

"I will do as you say,"

"Have mercy,"

"Why are you killing us,"

Sounds of begging can be heard from the area around the silver orphanage.

Ajax and his friends felt angry, powerless, and helpless.

"Why are they killing us??" shouted Hector angrily.

"Don't know, but our first priority now is to escape this and survive," said Ajax with a helpless expression on his face.

"Survive?? You have great ambition kid, but sadly, you will die here", a deep voice came from behind.

Ajax and his friends knew that an assassin has caught up with them.

"You guys escape, I will gain some time for you guys. Quick…!", Ajax said to his friends.

"But...", before they could respond anything, Ajax said with a determined look, "Go…! Survive and don't let my sacrifice be in vain".

Seeing the determination on his face, they knew he would not listen to them, so they continued to run deeper into the cursed wilderness.

"I am impressed kid, but sadly they will die without me killing them. Anyone will die in the claws of the beasts", the assassin said to Ajax.

"I know, but there is a small chance of survival if they escape into the cursed wilderness, in comparison to staying here," saying that, he stood into a fighting stance.

"Well, well, well, now you want to fight me??" the assassin mockedAjax fight stance.

After he said that, he rushed towards Ajax to kill him in a single strike, but Ajax dodged the killing strike and stepped on the assassin and ran towards an abyss.

Cursed Abyss has various names like gulf or chasm, which has a bottomless or unfathomed depth. No one knows what it is like at the bottom of this Cursed Abyss and what monster resides there. But it is full of death energy. Whoever enters it will be eroded with that energy.

He went towards Abyss because he did not want to allow the assassin to follow his friends, so he took this direction.

He just wanted to waste as much time as possible for this assassin, so his friends could escape.

The assassin was angered when Ajax stepped on him earlier, so he followed Ajax with rage.

Just when Ajax was about to reach the Cursed Abyss, he was blasted away by the assassin's kick.