Undead servant

'I think I should take a gamble, even if it doesn't go well, I will die anyway when the timer runs out.'

'From the way I look at them, they both seem kind of weak, I think I can take care of them easily, but it's better to be careful.'

With these thoughts, he threw an ordinary stone towards the skeletons guarding the cave and hid himself behind a boulder.

The Skeletons became alert. They looked at the stone and then at each other's faces.

With a nod, one skeleton ran towards the direction from which the stone came.

As soon as the skeleton, which was only two meters in height, came near the boulder, Ajax's fist landed with full-body force on its neck. He hit the part where only one single bone is connecting its head with the remaining body.

Its head rolled on the sand, and soon, the skeleton's remains started disappearing, leaving behind an armour, a spear, and five spirit stones.


Killed one Undead Servant

Experience gained:- Zero.

Note:- As per the trial rules, any monsters killed in the trial will not give any experience.'

As usual, a holographic screen appeared with some words.

"So, this thing is called Undead Servant, then what level will that elite undead soldier be? Whatever, I will know when I meet one, right?"Ajax gaze soon landed on the items left behind by the skeleton.

"Although this spear looks ugly, it's better to have something to attack." Ajax took the spear into his hand and thrusted it into the air.

'It's not bad,' said Ajax silently to himself.

The spear was only one meter long, so he felt awkward to call it a spear when it was in his hands.

He left the armour on the ground only because it did not fit him.

But he took the spirit stones, which contained death energy in them. As usual, they soon disappeared from his hand, and the holographic screen showing his progress appeared in front of his eyes.


Task 1:-Collect 100 death energy spirit stones.

Progress (52/100)

Task 2:-Save three elemental spirits.

Progress (0/3)

Task 3:- Kill the Undead Elite Soldier.

Progress (0/1)

Remaining time:- 8 hours 31 minutes.'

"48 more to go", Ajax concluded excitedly.

Seeing that its companion still did not return, the second skeleton moved in the same direction the stone came from, to check on his companion.

However, it was always on its guard.

Ajax tried to attack it the same way he did with the previous skeleton, but who thought this new skeleton could dodge his fist.

Soon the skeleton stood in a fight stance and looked at him.

Without waiting for its attack, Ajax rushed towards the skeleton with a spear in his hand and used his full body force in attacking it.

The skeleton stood at its place steadily and trusted its spear at Ajax.

Seeing that, Ajax stopped in his tracks and took two steps back.

He threw the spear in his hands at the skeleton with his full force, which knocked the skeleton down. Before it could stand, Ajax punched its skull until it broke.


Killed one Undead Servant

Experience gained:- Zero.

Note:- As per the trial rules, any monsters killed in the trial will not give any experience.'

Soon he got the notification from the system.

As usual, the skeleton started disappearing leaving behind the same items the previous

skeleton left.

This time he only took the spirit stones. But the good thing was, he got seven spirit stones. Instead of the previous five.

Soon he took the spear he threw earlier and went towards the cave.

'Oh God in heavens, please bless me with good luck,' Ajax prayed in his heart and entered the cave.

The cave entrance looked like a tunnel that was 100 meters long. 

He went into the entrance without making any noise.

As soon as he reached the end of the tunnel, he was shocked.