Completing the Trial

As Usual, the holographic screen appeared in front of him with the pendant's information, which shocked him.


Item name:-Sigmis black pendant

Grade:- low-grade artifact (Evolvable)

Effect:- 20% increase in user's defense

Special Skill:- Summon of the dead (level 2)

Rating:- Not bad

Description:- It is the final product of Sigmis, many years of hard work and research.'

"Wow, this artifact helps in boosting my strength. But what is this Skill???", Ajax wondered what the use of this Skill is, so he concentrated on it for more information. To his surprise, it really showed the information.

Special Skill:- Summon of the dead (level 2)

Description:- Helps the user to summon two undead soldiers. (Upgradable).

Number of Summons available:- 2.

"Whoa, those skeletons I killed when I was running towards the exit were the summons of this pendant, it's cool..!" Ajax overjoyed with this pendant.

Amidst his joy, the energy barrier imprisoning the elemental spirits disappeared, and the three elemental spirits came towards him.


Task 1:-Collect 100 death energy spirit stones.

Progress (52/100), incomplete

Task 2:-Save three elemental spirits.

Progress (3/3), complete

Task 3:- Kill the Undead Elite Soldier.

Progress (1/1), complete

Remaining time:- 7 hours 57 minutes.'

As soon as they got released, a voice is heard from the small altar inside the cave,

"Who dares to lay hands on my servants and release my slaves."

That voice was slow but enormously powerful. Just by hearing the voice, anyone could guess that it was a powerful being.

"Human, can you please form a contract with us," the red-coloured elemental spirit bowed as he continued," before that thing comes here."

Seeing the red-coloured elemental spirit's actions, the remaining black and green coloured elemental spirits soon followed the same and requested for the contract.

"What??"Ajax was shocked to see the elemental spirits bowing to him to form the contract.

"Please, human; there is no time for us, will you accept us as your servants," seeing the shocked Ajax they requested again.

"Ok," seeing their pained expressions, he knew something was not right, so he accepted quickly.

As soon as he said that, the three elemental spirits turned into red, green, and black colours and entered his spirit consciousness.

Before he could check his spirit consciousness, a portal appeared just before the altar.

From the portal, a ghostly figure fully covered in black smoke slowly came out.

'I need to get out of here soon,' with that he turned around to the exit only to see that the exit is covered with Black smoke.

"You can't escape now, human brat," said that figure in the black smoke.

'Is it over for me???', with that thought, he lost all his hope to escape.

But in his hopeless situation, his eyes laid on the small pile of spirit stones.

Soon he ran towards them and began collecting them.

"What will you do with them when you are about to die?? Hahahaha", seeing Ajax, who was collecting the spirit stones, the figure in black smoke made fun of him and started laughing.

But what it does not know was that Ajax just now completed his Task 1 with that pile of spirit stones.


Collected 50 spirit stones'


Task 1:-Collect 100 death energy spirit stones.

Progress (102/100), complete

Task 2:-Save three elemental spirits.

Progress (3/3), complete

Task 3:- Kill the Undead Elite Soldier.

Progress (1/1), Completed

Remaining time:- 7 hours 54 minutes.'


Congratulations to the host for completing the given tasks before the time.

Trial completion rating:- 'S'


The reward is being calculated. Please wait for some time for it.'


transporting the host from the trial world to the real world.'

Ajax got many notifications informing him of completed tasks and adding a rating for the trial he completed along with the reward.

But the final notification was the only thing that made him happier than any other notifications.

Soon, Ajax started to disappear.

"What? How can he disappear like that? What kind of a magic trick is this?" The black smoke figure was shocked to see that the disappearing Ajax was waving at him with a smile on his face.