Medium grade artifact


Item name:-Sigmis' black pendant

Grade:- medium grade artifact (Evolvable)

Effect:- 40 percent increase in body defence

Special Effect:- 20 percent increase in attack power when fighting enemies.

Skill:- Summon of the dead (level 5)

Skill description:- Helps the user to summon five undead soldiers. (Upgradable).

Number of Summons available:- 2/5.

Note:- User must absorb the enemy he killed into the pendant to turn it into an undead.

rating:- Good

item Description:- Basically, it is the most significant work of the elite undead mage, Sigmis. After using an upgrade stone, it became a medium grade artifact.'

"Haha, hahaha, haha," seeing the upgraded medium grade Sigmis' black pendant Ajax laughed continuously.

"Its normal effect increased from 20 percent to 40 percent, that's a doubling of the effect",

"Also, the special effect which appeared after upgrading is a good one as well."

"Not only the effects, but the skill within the pendant also increased from level 2 to level 5 directly. That's a total increase of three levels."

Ajax continuously laughed seeing each effect increase in the black pendant.


In the faraway place from the cursed abyss,

In a dark room, sat a gloomy older man with cross-legged, his eyes were closed. His eyes opened when he sensed someone entered his room.

"How did it go? Is that item found?", although the old man started slowly, at the end of his sentence, he got agitated with his question.

"Ancestor, please calm down, that matter went as we planned, but we didn't manage to find any item," said the middle-aged man slowly.

The old man is none other than 'The Ancestor,' who ordered the massacre in Volar City.

"What? You didn't find the item there?" Ancestor shouted with anger in his voice while a powerful aura emanated from his frail body.

"Yes, Ancestor. Maybe that item was not there", the middle-aged man was visibly suppressed by the aura released by his ancestor, and his entire face was covered in sweat.

"What? Do you doubt me? My divination technique has never failed in my entire life. However, now you are saying that this technique is useless?" The ancestor's rage increased continuously with every question.

"No, Ancestor, this lowly one doesn't dare to doubt you; please forgive this lowly one." Soon that middle-aged man kneeled and begged for forgiveness.

Seeing the kneeling middle-aged man, the ancestor calmed down a little.

"But there is the one thing, that a silver grade assassin didn't return to the base after the mission. Maybe he took the item and escaped", soon the middle-aged man said this after seeing the ancestor calming down.

"No, it's impossible to betray us," said the ancestor slowly.

"Why?" the middle-aged man asked puzzledly.

"Do you know why our recruitment ceremony is done only in our headquarters, unlike other families and sects?" asked the ancestor coldly.

"Because it will make it easier to improve their cultivation after taking in the essence of nature from the idol which is situated in the headquarters," replied the middle-aged man who knew about the recruitment ceremony.

"Correct, however, what you people don't know is that it makes the people who took the essence of nature from the idol, loyal to my sect. That's why it's impossible to betray us," The ancestor explained slowly. However, at the end of the sentence, he again turned angry, thinking of the item.

"..." the middle-aged man became speechless and shivered with fear. 'Then, I also became loyal to it because of that.' Regret flashed across his face.

"You idiots."

"Bunch of wastrels."


"Good for nothing."

The ancestor continued shouting in rage.

He finally coughed a mouthful of blood.

"I wasted so many resources, and the most important thing is, I wasted more than half of the essence of nature," with a sigh, that old ancestor continued.

"But I should not lose hope yet, Search the surrounding regions for any new 14to 15-year-old kids who appeared after we attacked the volar city."

"Moreover, check their information regarding where they stayed previously" the ancestors soon collected himself and ordered the middle-aged man who was kneeling in front of him this entire time.

"Yes, ancestor," with that, he quickly ran out and released a huge sigh of relief.
