
"Tribe leader, the Hawk tribe leader, is here," a humanoid figure with the crow's wings behind his back notified a black-robed older man. Behind his back, two massive black wings opened up, hearing the words for a second before closing.

 The opened wings looked majestic and intimidated the reporting crow-man.

 Only when the wings folded, did he heaved a sigh of relief and felt relaxed.

 "Let's go and meet up with him," the black-robed older man who was called tribe leader ordered his tribesmen to follow him to meet the tribe leader of the Hawk tribe.

 Soon, they came out and saw the tribe leader of the Lightning Hawks talking with an older lady in a light blue robe that has a black coloured border and walked towards them.

 "Hello, Qrewek and Kira," the black-robed older man greeted them when he reached them.

He looked at them with a smile that looked cunning and hideous.