Auxiliary elemental spirit region

"..." Ajax was speechless at Dabrus's words.

He already knows that Dabrus was an intelligent spirit he had ever seen.

"Actually, I played dumb with that spirit until my last breath and used my skill 'Damage exchange' which caused him, almost his life. With that much damage, he ran away with tail between his legs," seeing the speechless Ajax, Dabrus proudly said about his battle with space elemental spirit.

"No wonder, you have such thick skin," Nite, who was beside Dabrus, said with a mocking tone.

 Dabrus didn't give any reply to Nite's mock but looked at Ajax for a compliment.

"Let's enter that region first," However, Ajax pointed at a region in the distance which looked like it didn't belong to any type of element.

"Summoning Master, are you sure, you want to form a contract form that region?" Dabrus and Nite asked at the same time.

"Why? Is there any problem with that region?" Ajax asked them.