
As the handsome man was making Paulin an official summoner, Ajax looked at them for a moment before sitting cross-legged and checked his recently achieved level 2 spear dao.


    Weapon Dao:- Spear Dao (level 2)

    Type:- Tornado

    Effect:- 1) a 30 percent increase in piercing power with all spear type attacks.

          2) A 10 percent chance to stun an enemy for 3 seconds when the host pierces with a spear.

    Description:- Whenever the host uses a spear, it will gain a tornado effect, and the piercing power of that spear will increase by 30 percent.

"Huh? An additional effect?"

Ajax expected the piercing power of spear attacks would be increased with its level, but he didn't expect that it would also give him an additional effect.

'Although it's only 10 percent chance to stun, it's better than not having any effect,' Ajax thought that the effect was not too powerful nor too weak.