An Expected New Mission


Ajax was shocked to see the golden bear king fell to the ground.

Without wasting any time, he quickly went to it and poured the Elemental paradise's water on his bloody wound.

After that, he also poured some water into its mouth with the help of Darbaudr.

Soon, it's health started stabilizing as the wound on its body healed rapidly. 

"What is it?" after everything was done, Ajax saw something under the massive body of the golden bear king.

"Huh? It looks like an egg, but it was stronger than stone," Ajax took out the egg-shaped stone under it.


     Item name:- A golden bear's egg.

"It's really an egg," Ajax exclaimed with a surprise and silent thought in his head, 'So the reason, it didn't move from its position was to protect this egg.'

From the first time he saw the golden bear king to until now, the bear didn't move from this position.