Killing the demon servants

Ajax's back drenched with cold sweat when he sensed that someone was behind him.

However, seeing that Darbaudr didn't alert him even when a silhouette appeared behind made Ajax relaxed a little.

"What are you doing here, kid, making all us worried for you," a cold voice was heard in his head through voice transmission.

"Uncle Udo, why are you here?" Ajax was surprised and felt a little anxious when he heard Udo Keenaxe's voice in his head and asked.

"First answer my question, why didn't you return to the residence with Paulin?" Udo asked why thinking in his head, 'This brat's cultivation increased once again.'

When he last saw Ajax, his cultivation was at level 4 of the commander realm, which already made him think that Ajax was some kind of demonic cultivator.

However, only a couple of days had passed from then, and his cultivation increased once again increased by two levels, which made him almost confirm his suspicions about Ajax.