Elemental spirit battle 2

'He sure wants to fight my elemental spirits with those? I think the statement 'Ignorance is a bliss' is true,' Barret felt that Ajax was truly a fool to agree to his request.

'Just for an elemental spirit stone, he wanted to try an impossible fight to win,' Barret thought that Ajax was tempted by his elemental spirit stone and wanted to fight for it, so he looked down on Ajax even more.

"Okay, Ajax. Since your elemental spirits are still in the elemental spirit commander realm, I will only use my two unofficial elemental spirits," Barret acted as a magnanimous person as he summoned two dark elemental spirits.

Soon, two black coloured elemental spirits came out of Barret's spirit consciousness.

"Meet Manes and Vilis, both are dark elemental spirits and they are my unofficial elemental spirits which are weaker than my official elemental spirits," Barret introduced his elemental spirits to Ajax and acted as a big brother.