A walk in the Inner World

"Huh?" The Golden bear king looked at him before saying, "It's just a fight between spirit beasts for the territory."

"Hmm," Ajax nodded his head and turned back to go to the poison elemental paradise to upgrade.

After the spirit beasts reached sufficient strength they would enter the middle section of the cursed wilderness and fight for territory.

So Ajax was not surprised to hear about the territory battle and left the father and child pair.

Soon, he came to the poison elemental paradise and said, 'System upgrade it to grade 2.'

Ajax didn't have to do anything for upgrading since it was a reward from the system, which he didn't use earlier and waited for a suitable elemental paradise to upgrade.

As soon as he requested the system to upgrade the grade, the poison elemental paradise was covered in a dark green coloured gas which hindered Ajax's sight from what was happening in the elemental paradise.