Demi King Realm Essence Gem

"This kid…..sigh," Grand Elder shook his head at Raweth's words and looked at the other elders before saying, "Don't try your tricks on him and let him stay as he wishes."

"Yes, Grand Elder," All the Elders nodded their heads in reply.

The reason the Grand Elder ordered them was that he knew how these elders were and what they would do for the sake of the tribe. So, he asked them to not try anything.

Next, he looked at the masked birdman and asked, "Do you know about that human kid?"

"I just met him a few minutes ago before coming here," The masked birdman shook his head and continued, "But, he is a summoner and at the same time he doesn't belong to the summoners' group."

"Huh? A summoner?" Grand Elder surprised for a moment and nodded his head, he continued, "Maybe it's a good thing for Raweth to venture to other worlds."