Regions of Five Elemental World

Ajax was satisfied with his words and continued, "I want herbs ranging from Rank 1 to Rank 4. As for the quantity, 'the more the better'."


All the three elders were shocked for a moment and heaved a sigh of relief with Ajax's request.

Although Qwerek said that he could do his best for Ajax's request, his heart was beating very fast thinking about what Ajax would request; however hearing Ajax's words, his heartbeat became normal.

"Rank 1 to Rank 3 herbs are not a problem. I can even arrange them right now. However, there are only a few types of Rank 4 herbs on me and in the tribe," Qwerek replied to Ajax's request and continued, "If you don't mind I can arrange the rank 4 herbs in two days. What do you say?"

Qwerek looked at Ajax after finishing his words and waiting for his reply.

'Since I need 2-3 days to become rank 3 alchemy master anyway, I can wait for the rank 4 herbs,' Ajax felt it was not a problem and nodded his head.