Becoming the observer

After coming out of his spirit consciousness, Ajax's eyes landed on the light purple coloured lightning strike and muttered, 'This looks much weaker than when it was released by the tribulation clouds.'

Just with a glance, Ajax was able to identify that the lightning strike had weakened greatly.

'Before attacking the main lightning strike, I should test my theory on this lightning strike,' Ajax smiled as he slowly took out his Heaven's destroyer spear from his spirit consciousness and decided to test the might of Heaven's destroyer spear.

With a thought, a blood-red coloured long spear appeared in his hand and exuded a heavy iron stench from it.

For a little warm-up, he slightly thrust the spear that exuded even more iron smell that made all the others open their eyes once again.

"A high-level heaven grade spear?" Eica was the first one to be shocked when she saw the blood-red spear in Ajax's hand.