Training amidst fighting

When the old demon general said those words, there was a cunning smile on his face as though he could imagine the shocked faces on the human's face when they see the 2000 demon servants along with 2 elite demon generals.

"But, General (1) if we send the double army in a single batch then we could only send less than 1000 demon servants in the next batches and there is even a risk of the portal being closed," the demon with the muscular body hurriedly said the disadvantages of the old general's plan.

" you think I don't know that? Use this crystal and send another 1000 demon servants along with an elite demon general," the old demon general laughed as he took out a black crystal from his space ring and threw it at the demon in front of him.

"Space stabilization crystal?"

The muscular demon was surprised to see the black crystal in his hand and unconsciously shouted the name of that crystal.