Synchronising the cultivations

From a distance, Rulf was unable to sense exactly what Ajax was doing; however, he was absolutely sure that Ajax was not resting to increase the essence of nature.

'Should I go near to him and observe?' Rulf thought about it for a second before shaking his head and didn't go near to him.

Since Ajax had basically saved him some trouble of killing all the demons in the first batch, he gave some privacy for Ajax to do his own thing.

'Phew...he is not bothering about me anymore,' Ajax, who was carefully watching Rulf heaved a sigh of relief before ordering his system, 'System, continue the process.'

Ajax just wanted to confirm that Rulf would not observe him more keenly and once he was sure, he started his plan of using the 'Stabilizing crystal'.

As soon as he ordered the system, the bone-wrecking pain appeared all over his body; however, the pain was within his endurance. So, he was able to endure it without making any noise.