
"Damn it"

Ajax, who was hiding behind the tree pointed by the rank 4 sea tauren, cursed it before escaping from there.

'Looks like, I need to change my plans now,'

With the current situation, Ajax felt that his previous plans would not work anymore and thought to change his plans.

Because to tame the rank 2 and rank 3 spirit beasts, Ajax needed at least a minute; however, the rank 4 spirit beast was very careful and didn't give Ajax any time to waste.

'System, how many minutes have passed from the moment the trial is started?'

While escaping, Ajax asked the system about the time.


     Remaining time for the trial:- 4 minutes

Soon, the system sent the notification which had the remaining time for the trial.

'What? Only one minute has passed?'

Ajax was shocked to see that only minutes had passed because he felt at least three minutes had passed.

'Looks like the old man is planning dirty once again,'