12 magical statues

Assassin god's statue, as its name suggests, it's an assassin's statue, who ascended to a greater world and while leaving, he created some small statues for his descendants and stored some kind of magical power.

As for the magical power, it varies from statue to statue. 

"So, how many of these statues are created and what kind of magical power is stored in this statue?"

After learning about the statues, Ajax asked with a frown on his face.

He didn't expect something like that in front of them which could not only increase the power of the normal assassins and injured assassins, it also awakened the dead assassins.

So, of course, Ajax had to be careful regarding that thing and wanted to know more about it.

"I am not sure about how many were created. But, it was said that there were a total of 12 and each with its own magical power,"

Lechner thought back to the discussions from when he was still an assassin and replied to Ajax about it.