Level 3 Mysterious Spirit Cultivation Technique

After upgrading the Heaven and Earth refining technique to level 3, the speed at which the absorption of the essence of nature into his spirit consciousness increased by a huge margin.

With the help of the spirit stones, it was able to fill his entire spirit consciousness within less than 4 hours.

'Currently, I can absorb around 3000 units of the essence of nature in an hour and took me a little more than three hours,'

Because, in his spirit consciousness, there were already 1001 units of the essence of nature. So, it took him a little more than three hours.

"I wonder, how much it will cost to upgrade it from level 3 to level 4,"

After seeing the effects of the level 3 main cultivation technique, Ajax got a little curious about the level 4 main cultivation technique.


        The host needs to pay 49999 units of the essence of nature.