Son of heavens

Soon, with a thought, the information about Courage's first skill appeared in front of him.


 Skill name:- Son of heavens (Level 1).

 Skill type:- Passive

 Effect:- The kill requirement to progress into the next level will be reduced to half.

 Information:- When the skill is upgraded to high-level, some cool effects will be unlocked.

 Note:- Not upgradable by the essence of nature.

'Good effect for a level 1 skill. I wonder what type of effects will be available in the future though,'

What piqued his interest was the 'information' section. Nevertheless, Ajax could only wait until the skill levels up on its own.

'Now, it's time to check the notifications from the refining process,'

Ajax opened the inbox and checked for the old system notifications which he didn't read.


 Congratulations to the host for successfully refining a quasi-rank 5 pills.
